Chapter One:

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Dear Diary,

It's been so long since I've seen sunlight. I fear that I will die down here before I ever see its precious rays again. They were so full of warmth, beginnings, and hope. I fear I have lost the opportunity to be in its gracious rays again. I can barely remember a time outside of the stone walls and steal door; the ten feet by 6 feet room has been my world for many years.
They tell me it has been nine years. Nine years in pain. Nine years without hope. Nine years alone. It's been nine years since I've seen my own reflection. Is my face considered ugly? My captors call me ugly, it'd the only thing I have to believe. Nine years since I've seen my family, have they given up looking for me? All of my questions are still unanswered and will most likely remain that way.
I sit on my thin mattes that has been my bed since I arrived here. It has lost its softness and plush, now it's hard and firm.
I'm suprised they let me keep a diary. It's my only possession in the world and I value it above all else. It holds my deepest darkest wishes that I know will never come true. My inner thoughts lie here, untouched by all. Finally, the most beautiful and painful memories reside here; the ones I hope to forget, for better or for worse.
They torture me and experiment on me; I've been through pain people can only imagine. Some people might say that it's made me stronger, but it's made me weak and shattered.
As the years have passed I have given up on a rescue. I have accepted that this is all my life will ever be. Caged. Lost. Fogotten...


What do you think? Please let me know what I can improve on, feedback is appreciated!!!!

I apologize for all the spelling and grammar errors, sadly there will be more in the future.


I wii try to update soon!!!

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