Chapter Four:

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Over 50 reads in the past 24 hours! You guys are amazing thank you so much! So without further delay, here you go!


It's almost time. The watch on the guards wrist now reads 11:57. People have started to come down to my cell, waiting to see what will happen to me. Out of the whole time I've been here, I've never been so scared in my life. Not when they tortured me for days on end, or when they taunted me with their cruel words.
As more and more people come down, the more I start to shrink into the corner. They stare at me through the window bars from the hall, waiting for a miracle.
11:58, only two more minutes.
The man who I assume is in charge walks towards my cell. People clear a path for him and he approaches the bars.
He looks me over and sneers at me, "filthy mutt, after all of these years we can finally see it in person. You better put on a good show."
What the hell is that supposed to mean? Not wanting to get a beating, I coward back and silently nod my head.
11:59, one more minute. Sixty more seconds. My breathing starts to pick up, I'm scared. Are they going to torture me? What is their "gift" this year? Will I have to put my hands in boiling water, like on my tenth birthday? Maybe I will be given cuts on my arm, one for each year I have lived. That one was for my twelfth birthday.
They are so creative with how to torture me and bring me pain. I couldn't even imagine what this year's is going to be like.
The guards watch finally says 12:00, and nothing happens. No pain. No torture. No cruel words. I look up at the men who seem very disappointed.
"I thought you said she was one of those beasts John" one guy says to the leader.
"She is" John replies.
"Well obviously not. It's her seventeenth birthday and she's not changing at twelve on the dot. I'm leaving" another guy says and walks away.
Changing? Beasts? What the hell are they talking about? Are they mental?
A pain interrupts my thoughts. A flame rushes through my body, it feels like I'm being burned from the inside out. I whimper, the first sound that I made in years.
The men all look at me with eyes amazed. "She's shifting" John says.
Shifting? Into what?! My arm bends at an odd angle and I scream. I haven't screamed in years, I have learned to endure pain, but not this. This is a different type of pain. I can't take it any more. I close my eyes and give in. Give in to the pain. Give into the darkness....


I slowly start to regain consciousness and there is a pounding in my head. What happened? The pain is gone, in fact, I've never felt better in my life. Whispers start to surround me.
"She's a black wolf John, only alphas are black. This should be impossible" someone says.
What the fudge, there's a wolf? Where?!
"Your going to need to put her in a different cell. With the power of an alpha, she could easily break out if here, even in her condition" a different voice says
I attempt to stand up but it feels weird. I look down and see black paws. I scream, but it only comes out as a yelp. What happened to me!?!?!


You like? Yes, no, maybe so? Anyways I'm going to leave you guys there. I plan on updating before Tuesday, but if I get five votes and 8 reads on this chapter I might update tomorrow:) Love you all my amazing readers, without you this wouldn't be possible!

Again, sorry for grammer and spelling.



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