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Erini: look,,,, if u had one spaghetti,,
Erini: or one spaghetti,,, to seize everything you ever spaghettied,,,
Erini: in one moment,,, would you spaghetti it?
Erini: or just let it spaghetti?
Erini: his palms are spaghetti
Erini: knees weak,,,,, arms spaghetti,,
Erini: there's spaghetti on his sweater already,, ...,,
Erini: moms spaghetti
Erini: he's spaghetti, ,, ,but on the surface he looks calm and spaghetti
Erini: to drop spaghetti,, ,,,, but he keeps on spaghetting
Erini: what he spaghettied down, ,, the whole crowd goes so spaghetti
Erini: he opens his mouth but the spaghetti won't come out!!! 11!
Erini: he's spaghetti,, ,, how???//
Erini: everybody's spaghetti now!!!!1 1,1
Erini: the spaghettis run out
Erini: times up, over ---- spaghetti now!,,,

Calum: pls stop

Erini: but it's a classic

Calum: that's more Michaels thing

Erini: then lemme text him

Calum: he's round mine
Calum: come round?

Erini: what's in it for me

Calum: kisses from me

Erini: ewwwwww no ty
Erini: i want gummy bears

Calum: i have gummy bears too

Erini: i'm outside


"Yesss, Michael, slay me!" Erini laughed loudly, clapping like a seal. Calum laughed along, watching his best friend make an idiot of himself on karaoke.

Now that Erini was part of the loudness, she didn't mind it as much, whereas she would normally be in bed, rubbing her head and complaining; she was laughing, singing, and sharing gummy bears with Calum and Michael.

"I beat Luke's score!" Michael grinned, seeming very proud of himself.

Erini grinned widely, nestling back against Calum's chest. "Arty farty friend wants to know if she can come round, is it cool with you two?"

"That depends," Michael sat next to Calum, and Erini spread her legs along his lap. "Is she hot?"

"Yes," Erini and Calum spoke at the same time, both laughing. That was the exact moment Michael knew they'd be that couple. He couldn't wait for it.

"Sure, I'm down."

And henceforth began a night full of competitive scrabble games, shared gummy bears, laughter, karaoke, and finally getting Calum to finish unpacking.

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