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Erini: idk how to reply to that

Calum: u don't have to
Calum: that was kinda weird
Calum: I'm sorry I didn't mean to just like
Calum: gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg gtg

Erini: I meant like
Erini: obviously I feel something for you too, but I think it's a little too soon for me to label it as love
Erini: I hate to go all Carly Rae Jepsen on you, but I rEALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU
Erini: like rEALLY REALLY

Calum: I feel like a complete dork for dropping the l-bomb

Erini: you shouldn't!!!!
Erini: you know how you feel, when you feel it

Calum: idk I just
Calum: reading you get all into yourself about music, it made me realise that it's been a long time since I'd felt that passionate about a band. And, it also made me realise that I may not feel that way about a band at the moment, but I feel that way about a person, and that person is you. We've only been talking for a few weeks, I know this, but what I also know is that you're the first girl who doesn't give a shit about my band, and weirdly enough, I kinda like it. I like how you're not one of those girls who're out for fame, or have a tonne of money. I like how you only have fifty followers on Instagram, I like your attempted ironic tweets, I like the fact that you take the most awkward selfies and tweet arty farty friend a lot calling her a potato with an e at the end. I just, I like you a lot Erini, and I'm not sure if it's the right time for me to label it as love, but it sure feels a lot like love to me.

Erini: damn I can tell u write songs
Erini: i'm actually blushing so hard
Erini: and I fell off my chair four times
Erini: and I think it's also safe to say I have totally fallen for you.

Calum: wAIt
Calum: really?

Erini: yeah, I love you
Erini: going by the same logic as you, it's too soon to be sure, but it feels right.

Calum: i cannot wait to see you.

Erini: four days.

Calum: I can't stop smiling

Erini: good, that's what I like to hear

Calum: i have to go do band things now like tune my bass and cuddle my drummer
Calum: i love you
Calum: byeeeee

Erini: i love you too, you big dork
Erini: have fun!!!!

neighbours . calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now