Prologue - Picture of Paul

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March 23, 1864

Diana’s P.O.V

            I was slowly running out of breath. It seemed as if there was no way out, I couldn’t do it, and I couldn’t risk Paul’s life. I had never wanted anything more then the man at my side. But I was at fault.

I could hear voices from the room we were hiding in; surely they had to be looking for us. How could I have been so selfish? Paul was never mine to have; I was betrothed to the king.

Paul tightened his grip on my waist, as the voices got louder. I suddenly felt at ease. Cursing myself for feeling like that, I decided what I had to do. I had to give myself to those men. I had to sacrifice myself for Paul’s life. I turned to look at Paul, melting into his hazel eyes. I slowly removed his hand from my waist and ran to the door, opening it as fast as I could.

I was ready to face my death, but it looked like that’s not what fate had planned for me. I was facing a 5’4” old man; his beard ran long and shaggy down to his stomach. He had arrogance to him, even though I was inches taller, he looked me straight in the eye as if he was daring me take another step.

I turned to see Paul lying still on the ground. I had the urge to run to him but I couldn’t move. I felt like I was being pinned to the floor. I tried calling out Paul’s name but I couldn’t hear myself. I slowly turned my head to face the old man, who was now standing fairly close to me. And it hit me; all those terrible memories, all those horrific events. If I wasn’t frozen in place I probably would’ve fainted.

Never once would I have imagined seeing him here. My eyes raged with anger. I had never hated someone with so much passion. I would have happily killed the man that was now standing inches away from me. I slowly started to regain my stenghth I turned to face the man that had been the cause of my sorrows. My eyes felt wet, tears just waiting to spill, but I would never give him that satisfication. Words escaped my mouth before I could think, “Father.”

Paul’s P.O.V

             I could feel Diana slowing down. I knew she couldn’t run any longer, so I took her into the closest room.

I could feel her tensing at my side. I couldn’t help but think if I would ever get to to hold her again. She was lost in thought as she held on to me. I could hear their voices getting louder as I tighted my grip on her waist.

This had been my fault, but now she was two months pregnant with my child and bethrothed to the king.

I started to twist my finger into her long brown hair and she slowly turned to face me. I couldn’t help but smile as her chocolate brown eyes bored into mine. She was looking at me as if she was searching for something.

And before I could stop her, she ran to the door. I tried running after her but I couldn’t. I was frozen in place. Suddenly I was on the ground and I couldn’t even open my eyes. It felt as if someone was controlling my actions, but my thoughts ran rapildly, I had recognized him: he was Diana’s father. She knew nothing about that man. With all my effort I tried to open my eyes wishing she knew what he was: a demon.

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