Chapter 6. The Same.

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Jackson stood up, and walked over to the table at the end of the room, and poured a glass of water from the clear jug. 

“I think you hit your head pretty hard. Here, have some water.” he said, walking back to me with the glass in his hand. When he held the glass out to me, I batted it away and looked at him angrily. 

“You know what I’m talking about! You know about them. And the only reason you stayed in the first place is because I don’t have one either.” I hissed at him. Jackson stared at me, before collapsing into the chair. He looked at me.

“How?” he whispered. “How can you not have one? I thought I was the only one.”

I shook my head. “There was only one other person I knew of, but he’s gone.” I mumbled, and winced as I remembered that bump.

“Where did he go? Is he dead?” Jackson asked, laughing at his ‘joke’. 

I nodded miserably. He looked at me, and the laugh faded into emptiness. 

“He was killed, but it wasn’t suicide. Someone, or thing, killed him.” 

Jackson moved closer. “I’m so sorry Miss....” he trailed off, and before I could tell him my name, he got up and looked at the end of the hospital bed, reading off the charts given from my scans. 

“Scarlet Hunter. Huh. That’s a pretty name.” He looked up at me and smiled. 

“I was named after my mum.” I mumbled. 

“Why isn’t she here with your dad?” Jackson asked quietly.

I suddenly became interested in the white sheets that covered me, and I played with them when I answered, unable to look at him. 

“My parents died when I was a baby.” I choked. It was still hard to say. I looked up to see Jackson looking at me sadly and I looked down. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to..” he began but I cut him off. “Don’t. It’s ok. It was years ago.”

He looked at me and smiled shyly. “You know, you only guessed one of the reasons I stayed.”

“Oh yeah? And what was that?” I said sarcastically.

Jackson grinned. “I stayed because I love you. When our eyes first met, my jaw almost dropped. You were so beautiful...” he trailed off, looking at me shyly.

I looked at him, and suddenly he was leaning in, closer, closer. And then, with a bang, Audrey walked in, carrying a tray with hot soup and bread rolls on it. She stopped when she saw how close Jackson was to me. She put the tray down, quite loudly I might add, before looking at me, and faking a smile.

“Here’s your food. Enjoy.” she hissed, before stomping out of the room. 

I turned away from Jackson, blushing and watched as Audrey stomped out of the room. I slumped back onto the pillow and closed my eyes. I listened as Jackson mumbled something, then felt something cold touch my arm. I shrieked, jumped, and immediately grasped my arm, the searing pain shocking me. I pulled my hand away and gasped when I saw red trickling down my fingers. Jackson took one look and immediately took action, racing to the phone that connected into the main office of the hospital, and spoke quickly and urgently into the phone. I stared at the blood, then was knocked backwards by the sudden force that hit me. Nausea. Suddenly everything went out-of-focus, and I felt myself slipping off the bed, and the remaining tubes ripping easily out of me. I heard someone yell ‘No!’ before the darkness returned... 

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