One Week, a Lifetime

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I never thought I'd be a big fan of books. Before, when I looked at one, I just saw hundreds of sheets of paper with thousands of words. Then today, it all changed... Everything seemed to be different for some reason.

We still have a week of break left for this winter, and for some odd reason, I don't feel the same. Random names pop into my head, each with a specific emotion attached to it. One of them is Tiffany, which is attached to anger, Lauren with hatred, Alia with frustration, and Nicole with happy. Then there was Brian, I believe he was my cousin...

I guess they were people from my old school probably, or just my imagination... (I'm confusing myself...) and adding on to the names, come places. Like Andrews Elementary and Robinson Middle and West high... Most likely my schools... (NO DUH GENIUS!!)

What I'm trying to say is, my memory's coming back, at least I think. I've remembered people, not events, the only events I remember was a breakup! But I don't even know the guy's name... So much for a relationship, right?

Speaking of relationships, I should probably call Mitch. We haven't talked in a couple of days, during when I've been lying on the ground, refusing to get up or eat. I hadn't eaten in three days... Yet I don't fell hungry... Is this normal? Who cares...

I really miss Mitch now that I think about it. That's it, I'm calling him.

"Beep... Beep... Beep... Be- TAYLOR!"
"Omg that was loud." I say, turning my phone volume down.
"Are you ok? I like called Jay but he said you were having a mental breakdown and didn't want to talk."
"What... No I've just been lost in memories... And after this I'll be cutting his head off, anyways! How've you been? I really miss you."
"I missed you too, how about you come over and we can actually talk, my phone has like 3% left."
"Ok, I'll ask, if not we'll just Skype, is that ok?"
"Yeah, see you soon, weather it's irl or SkyperRL"
"I don't know... Don't judge me"
"Fine, bye"

After I hang up, I rush downstairs... I also almost tripped over the 3rd step... YAY!

"Jay, honey, was that you?" Silvia's voice rings from the kitchen.
"No mom, it was me." I looked at her, and she looked like she lost it.
"Oh my god you're walking! What happened? You wouldn't let anyone in your room. Poor Mitch came here so many times asking if you were ok. Oh you must be starving what happened! You know I'm not gonna let this slip off, you owe me answers young lady..." I kinda zoned off at the end... What was the first question?
"Oh, she's alive! My sis from another mrs. Literally." Jay half hugged, half choked me.
"Glad to know you cared." I said softly. "Umm, I was wondering if I could go over to Mitch's. After I shower of coarse."
"Not until you eat. You starved yourself during the past three days. We finally gave up, but I told Jay if you go over four days I'm breaking down your door and force feeding you 5 pasta bowls with chips and lettuce."
"Eww... Why lettuce?" I asked.
"Jays idea, not mine."
"No it wasn't, it was totally yours" he said.
"Was not!"
"Was too!"
"And we're back at age 5 again. Do you ever grow up boy?"
"So I can go?" I interrupted.
"Yes, shower, eat, get dressed, don't forget deodorant, and go." She said, handing me a snicker bar.

Now time to rumble.


"Let's see, black shirt or grey shirt. I'm feeling the black ripped jeans and the grey shirt... Or the ripped blue jeans and the black... OHH FORGET IT! Ripped black it is... And this wonderful grey long sleeved shirt. And combat boots. I feel like I've shrank... These jeans feel more comfortable than before... Am I talking to myself? Yup I'm talking to myself..."

I think I went insane during my time off the world...

"JAY! TAKE ME TO MITCH!" I scream from the ground floor.
"NO" I hear.

Like always.

I grab my jacket and my hoodie... Jacked... Hoodie... Jacked... Hoodie...
"Hoodie." Jay says, tying up his shoes.
"Well thanks." I say as o get swallowed by the hoodie. Mm... Soft.

The ride to Mitch's isn't so far, just a few blocks. But with 3 feet of snow kinds throwing snowballs everywhere, I just gave up on life and asked for a ride. Why not right?

We slowly pull up on Mitch's door, and I literally jump out. Literally. "Don't Kill yourself now, calm. I'll pick you up at.."
"Really? 9? It's 5 you know."
"I know, BYE JAY!"
"Fine bye."

I walk up to their door and knock once. Nothing. Knock twice. Nothing. About to knock three time when the door burst open, revealing Mitch's sister. "Hi Tyler! Mitch's recording. Come sit, he'll come down when he's done."
"Hi, ok"

I sit with her for a bit, playing her games she has out in the living room, then footsteps approach us. I look up and it's Mitch.

"Hey Tyler." He said with a smile.
"Hey Mitch."


HI PEOPLE! Who are not reading this cuz I've been gone for so long..
I'm so sorry...
I'm back on now...
So I have this chapter, and part 2 will be after another chapter.
So not the next cheater but the one after that.
Confusing? Yes... I know...
My teachers say that to me when I describe them my life... And my name...
Anyways, hope you guys are doing well, if anyone is even reading this...
Comment if you are and I'll be happy again... (;~;)
Anyways again, love all you reading eyes!
Bye bye!!!

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