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On the last chapter,

Nick poke me. [Me:Yes Nicky?] [Nick:Do you know that...] Zak interrupted Nick. Nick tilt his head to the side and looked out the window. [Me:Yes Zak?] [Zak:Hey, you know how to reboot MacBook Pro?] I didn't want to show my annoyed side so I just nodded. [Me:I can do it after we land.]



We head for the baggage claim area to get our stuff. Nick walks slower than usual. I slowed down. [Me:Hey Nicky.] He looked at me and weakly smiled. I frowned. [Me:What's up. Nicky tell me what's going on in your head please?] [Nick:Nothing Jaz. It gets me when Zak intersect our conversation or when I wanna talk to you.] [Me:It's like that. A lot of people wants to talk to me.] [Nick:Jaz.] [Me:I'm kidding. What you gonna ask just now?] [Nick:Do you know that... I got your unglam pictures.] What? [Me:You... That's all you wanna tell me? For real Nick?] He laughed. [Nick:Gotcha didn't I? Man you so serious.] [Me:Hell I'm dead serious.] I rolled my eyes and ignore him. We get to our van then drive to our office to drop off the gears and go home.

I dump my bag in my room and slide down the stair railing. [Me:Carl?] He comes out from the kitchen. [Carl:I can hear you from the kitchen. How's the investigation?] [Me:Quite fun and tiring. But it's a 'trip' though.] [Carl:Trip?] [Me:Well, I never been to the ship plus I don't know anything about the ship so yeah. It's a learning journey sorta.] He smiled. [Carl:I see.] We're awkwardly standing in the kitchen. [Me:I'll be in my by room.] I quickly walk to my room.

Present 2015, march

The Ghost Adventures have been successful over the 365 days till now. I moved back to L.A, California together with Uncle Carl and the crew. I spent most of my time doing what I love, music, charity raising fund and helping out in the children centre. But... I feel lonely at times. I mean, everyones busy with their life and work. I'm here, don't know what to do with my time. Uncle Carl working night shifts these few weeks.

At night,

I get freaking bored, sitting at home alone. The crew probably somewhere and I don't wanna disturb them. I have a stroll around my neighborhood. It's a cold night. People coming home from work and stuff. Drunks and women on the streets. I put on my earphones and block out the world. I wait for the light to change color when I felt someone tap my shoulders. I turned and dark, cold eyes staring back at me. [Me:What the.] I knocked out.

I wake up in the dark. My mind is in confusion. A man came in. I can hardly see his face under the dim light condition. [Me:Who are you?] [Guy:Which serial killer would answer that.] [Me:Serial killer who is stupid enough to answer that question fool. What do you want?] I'm being real casual but in actual fact, I'm scared as eff. [Guy:Well the police got what I want. Well I'm gonna kill you. But first, let's play a game.] I chuckled. [Me:You messed up.] [Guy:You're a Ramirez.] My grin fade off after he mention my surname. [Me:How did you...] [Guy:You see... A lot of things that you don't know, somehow will surface when you about to die.] [Me:Goddamit dude!] [Guy:Shut up!] He takes out his cellphone and dialed some number.

At that point, I start to find my way to get myself out of the ropes. [Cade:Lt. Ramirez speaking.] [Me:Uncle Cade!!!] The guy punched me. [Guy:I got your niece. Well she's too good to kill.] [Cade:Don't you touch her!] [Guy:Then come with 1 million dollars and I'll reconsider. She got 3 hours to live.] [Me:Cade! Don't. You gonna die Cade!] [Guy:Shut up!] He punched me again in my ribs. That gotta hurt a lot but non-human can't really feel that. The lights flickered. I can now see my serial killer or psychopath. The face that I recognize. Someone the family knows. That son of a bitch. (Pardon my language)

[Me:Why are you doing this, Jakey Jake?] Jake, my late dads ex business partner. He got sacked for corruption. Well that got him insane. Cade? He's Uncle Carl's twin brother. He works as lieutenant in the police force. Anyway, I try to distract him.

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