Journey 1.0

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***I told ya I'll update often. Well the weekly updates will be everyday or alternate days or two three times a day. Some stuff is not real so yeah. So read well~^^***

He pushes the camera towards me. He looked at me with 'They will kill me if you quit because of me.' [Me:I accept your apology but with one condition.] He looked confused. [Zak:I'm all ears.] [Me:I'm hungry. Let's go lunch.] [Zak:Really Jazon? You're hungry.] He gives the 'What the hell' look. [Me:Hey, I was gonna have lunch before coming here and you stopped me. You're buying lunch. Let's go! Aaron! Nick! Billy! Jay! Ashley!] They came out, confused. [Billy:Who shouted for us?] I wave my hands. [Me:Let's go lunch. Zak's buying.] They're happy. The crew fought over the bike ride. I picked Nick. Zak passed him the helmet and we walk to my bike. We ride off beside the others van.

We reached. [Nick:That was fun man. Thanks for the ride.] I place the helmets on the side on the bike and the lock on the helmet locked in place on the bike. We went for lunch. [Zak:We wanna know more about you.] [Me:I thought my file said enough of me? No? Alright. The paranormal life chose me at a very young age. I have patience but not calm. I'm quiet. I graduate from UNLV last year.]

They almost spit out their food. [Billy:Are you serious?] [Nick:Which course?] [Me:Masters in forensic sciences and Filming.] [Zak:Wah... You for real?] [Me:I'm not exaggerating. You can call up Mr. Dominic. But it's nothing to brag about. I spent my time in secondary schools or high schools tutoring. I make Youtube videos. I like to talk just that I don't really know how to start a conversation.] [Ashley:Well I'm still completing my degree. Maybe I can learn something from you.] [Me:Yeah why not.] She smiled and I smile back.

After lunch, we head back. This time Aaron ride with me. We reached. We sat down on the sofa and debrief for what's gonna happen later. [Zak:We are shooting for our season 10 very first episode. Queen Mary ship. Jazon gonna join the investigators and our EVP specialist junior. Jazon, there's consequences to every of our investigation. You know right.] [Me:If you guys can go on, why can't I? Anyway 'Risk-Taker' is my middle name.] [Zak:That's what I'm talking about. This is actually our HQ. We gonna shoot tomorrow. Then etcetera etcetera. I see you guys later at 6 p.m. We got a plane to catch.]

Zak follow me to get his car. [Me:There's your car.] I unlocked the door and felt that he stare at me. [Me:Come on in.] He looked happy and awkward at the same time. [Me:This is my house. Just hang around. I go get my bag packed. You don't need to go home or something?] [Zak:I already packed and it's in my trunk.] Alright. [Me:Help yourself bro.] I walked to my room. I pack my duffel bag. Zak again, lean against my door. [Zak:Wow. Clean room, black, white and red interior. Dark. Awesome.] [Me:Thanks. Let's go. I left my backpack in the lounge. Uncle Carl!] I walked out. Carl look up from the first floor. [Carl:Yes Jazzy?] [Me:I'm on the crew. I will be traveling a lot. I'm going off to Cali with the crew.] [Carl:Alright. Be safe okay?]

I nodded and hugged him. Best uncle ever. [Me:Tell Kayla I miss her.] He nodded. Zak and myself get into Zak's car. He drove to the HQ. [Zak:Your uncle is a doctor?] [Me:Yeap. He's my dad older brother. My dad's the youngest. My dad side consist of high end jobs while my mum side is more of performing arts but I lost contact with them. They blame me for her death.] [Zak:So what got you into paranormal.] [Me:Like I said earlier, I've seen my first spirit when I'm small. Then it gets in me to find out after the afterlife.] We reach.

I get my backpack. We got to the airport and board the plane. Zak got into panick mode. [Me:What's up Zak?] [Zak:I totally forgot about the van.] [Me:Don't worry about it. I got it covered.] I called Uncle James. [James:What's up buddy? Where did you run off to?] [Me:Vegas. Hey I need a van. Like big one. All black, so low key. At the airport.] [James:Alright. I got it. It will be at the pick up bay and keys will be with Jackson. He'll wait for your arrival.] [Me:Jackson? Cool. Thanks.] I hung up. [Zak:So you got the vehicle already. We're staying at Rez Lez Hotel.] I smiled. [Aaron:Why are you smiling?] [Me:Nothing.]

Why Jazon smiling? Read more to find out.

***Hey guys. Starting from here onwards, things gets weirder and places I mention is fictional. It never exits and somehow sounds nice to me so yeah~***


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