Chapter 12: Home Sweet Home

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It was our last show before our break. I woke up in the morning and we had 4 more hours on the road. My throat was dry and it hurt to swallow. I got a glass of water and joined Justin back in bed.

"Good morning." I tried to say but nothing came out. Only squeaks.

"Oh no." I said in a whisper.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked in a hoarse voice.

"I lost my voice!" I tried to scream.

"Oh shit." Justin said sitting up.

"This isn't good." I said.

"Don't talk, you will only make it worse." He said getting up. "I'll tell Austin and we will go get the doctor."

We spent 2 hours on the road and then a doctor came on and checked out my throat.

"It doesn't look good." He said finally.

"How bad?" Justin asked nervously.

"She definitely can't sing today." He said.

"No! I need-" I started but the doctor cut me off.

"You need vocal rest! Don't speak." He said.

"Im so sorry, babe." Justin said squeezing my hand.

I started to cry and Justin wrapped his arms around me allowing me to cry on his shoulder.

"I know, its okay. It could be fun! I get to perform all night for you." He said smiling.

I smiled slightly and then he said "You can still come out on stage and have fun! You can dance! Hey, its not the end of the world."

I nodded my head and kissed him as a thank you. I was so disappointed but I should have listened to the doctor and gone on a vocal rest earlier. For this concert, because I wasn't going to be doing much, I put on a basic outfit. A black and white striped crop top with a black skirt and heels. Then I put on a light blue button up rolled up the sleeves and instead of buttoning it, I tied it across my stomach. Anna did my make up and then I made tea to soothe my throat. My voice hadn't come back in time for the show and my throat only hurt more.

"I lost my voice. I'm so sorry guys. Justin will entertain you guys tho! Ill be dancing along to all of his songs!" I tweeted and my fans wished me to get better.

"Thank you everybody for the get well wishes!" I tweeted again.

When the time came, Justin asked me if I was ready to go on stage. He complimented me on my outfit and I kissed him on the cheek. We walked out on stage hand in hand and Justin yelled into the mic "WHAT'S UP KANSAS!"

"If you guys didn't know already, Kelly has unfortunately lost her voice." Justin said.

"She feel's really bad about it and she would like to apologize for the disappointment. She will stay on stage and hang out but she wont be talking or singing at all. Doctors orders right babe?" He asked turning to me and I frowned.

"She isn't too happy about it." Justin said.

I took a sip from my tea and then the music started up so Justin went center stage and I stood watching my hot boyfriend sing. He started off by singing Where Are You Now and I danced a little to the beat. Then he followed that song with What Do You Mean acoustic version. He grabbed his guitar and a chair and placed the chair down next to mine. I took my seat after he ushered me over and we sat, center stage together and he sang perfectly. It was soft and gentle. His voice lingered in the air when he strummed his guitar and then the two combined blew me away. He closed his eyes as he sang and I stared at him impressed. When he finished the song I clapped for him and then kissed him on the cheek.

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