The Rich and Poor

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"What am I doing here" I muttered under my breath as I stood in front of the gates of golden gate university. I watched as student after student entered.

Of course I did know why I was here but being here now made me have seconds thoughts about ever wanting to be here.

I felt very out I place among all the people that walked past me.

Why? well because they were all super rich like diamond encrusted toilets rich while I was broken down toilet that wouldn't even flush poor.

Golden gate university was a school for the rich if you haven't already guessed. The richest of richest people really. They were the kinds of people where there parents owned large companies or both there parents were famous models or actors. well my mother had to work three jobs and odd jobs in between just to keep a roof over mine and my brothers head. so you see i don't belong here and the only reason I was here was because of a contest I won that got me a free scholarship for the rest of high school and even collage.

I sighed as I began walking through the throng of people. As I neared the school I realized how big it really was.

It was at least six stores high. steps led to a big wooden door in the middle . Two huge lions a bronze color were on either side of the door.

The doors were open as floods of people went in. A boy with dark hair was on top of one of the lions yelling giddy up and waving his arms around like crazy. A crowd had gathered and were laughing at him trying to ride the lion.

I smiled to my self glad that not all rich people were up tight. Like the girl I had run into earlier. I shuttered at the though of her.

The inside of the school was like any other which I had to admit surprised me. I wondered around in till I found a door that said office.

I stepped into a medium sized room that had a reception desk in the center of the room and comfortable looking chairs in front of the desk.

I nice looking plump woman sat at the desk typing into the computer thy sat in front I her. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun and her glasses were at the bridge of her nose. She didn't look up at me in till she finished doing what ever she was doing on the computer.

"Yes"she finally asked.

"Umm... I'm a new student here"


"Kassandra Miller"

She typed into her computer then raised we eyebrows at me.

"Yes well headmistress Rollins would like to see you in her office"

I nodded and walked down the hallway she had pointed at.

Headmistress Rollins was seated at her desk when I walked in. She quickly got up and offered me her hand.

" Headmistress Rollins and you must be kassandra"


"I'm very pleased to meet you and congratulations on winning the contest."

"Thank you"

"We'll the first thing I would like to discuss is that I hope you like it here an if you have any problems to please come to me."

I nodded

"And the second is that I hope you know what a great privilege and honer it is to be at this school. We are allowed to kick you out of this school if we choose you are not fit to continue and are causing trouble. Understand."

"Of course, it has always been my dream to one day come here" lie I hated rich people because they were all snobby an prissy. They took life for granted and got anything with a snap of a finger.

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