Cupcakes and channing #2

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While pretending to write down something I am supposed to i see a grain that wanted to become a grain chip. He looked so bright and cheerful. When he saw all the potato chips walk past he said.

"Stop take a minute make that chip with grain in it"
"Take a bite, sign a check"

The potato's just laid on the the couch starting at grain bryan with blank looks on their potato faces. Until Channing potatum said "I don't wanna be a potato chip anymore, I wanna be a multigrain bread!"

I looked on in horror at the little grain and the potato people on my science desk. With a look if determination "I...wanna be a cupcake," I shouted to the whole world.

My science class looked at me with confused expressions. I blinked a few hold back the tears and said "I just wanted to help him become a grain chip."

My science class burst out in hysterical laughter. Then the tears streamed down their eyes. They all wanted to be grain chips too.

A wicked glean was in my eye as I butchered my class mates and baked them in the oven. Putting the label 'grain waves'

I sold them all over the world, making millions and with all this money I was finally able to become a cupcake.

The End

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