Special Interview W/ katnisslerman16

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Sorry it took so long to upload I've been really trying to make a book cover for my Interviews, but just couldn't. If someone sends me in a book cover, I'd be glad to do something special for you (: Just inbox me!! Anyways... here you go!!

1.) How did you find out about Wattpad…?

I found out about Wattpad through the app they have for iPods. For a few months I just read stories, not knowing there was a website at all. When I finally discovered there was a website, I went on and immediately made an account. After tinkering around for a few days I gathered enough courage to post something, from then on I've been hooked.

2.) Can you relate to any of your stories…? I

This is a good question. I can't relate so much to the actual story lines because they're about werewolves (although I wish I could relate more). However, I can relate a hundred and ten percent to my characters because in a way, they're all really reflections of me and my life. The more human storylines within my books (ie. Insecurities, bullying, relationships) that's what I can relate to because the characters are all my age and go through similar things I would and do in my everyday life.

3.) What are your hobbies…?(Outside of Wattpad!!)

My hobbies are really limited to reading, writing and anything to do with crafts. Basically, my hobby is creativity. Either I'm doing something creative or I'm enjoying other people's creativity. It's what I spend just about all my time doing!

4.) Are you more of a reader or writer…?

I'd say I'm fifty fifty. You can't be a writer unless you're a reader, It's impossible. Of course, some days I like one better than the other but I love them both. When I'm lazy, I like reading, when I'm hyper, writing is the way to go!

5.) What is your favorite story on Wattpad…?

This is difficult to answer. My library on my iPod is filled with over fifty books that I wait eagerly to be updated. My favourite changes with the week. At the moment, I'm really enjoying My Dark Knight by SheriffSquinty. Last week it was Alaska by BellaJohnson. All stories are awesome!

vorite story on Wattpad…?

6.) When did you decide you wanted to become an Author...?

I more or less decided to be an author after I finished my first book. The sense of accomplishment was awesome! Looking back on the story, plot, characters, setting and realizing that I had created all of it, there was no other feeling like it in the world and I was addicted. I pretty much knew that writing was going to be a big part of my life from there on in.

7.) Who is your one Idol on Wattpad...?

I don't really have one writer I idolize whether that's on wattpad or in the published world. However, I'm inspired by a whole array of writers, too many to name.

8.) Any messages for your fans…?

To my fans who are writers. Work hard, upload regularly, and be patient. You'll get the success you want if you're persistent and don't give up! To my readers, thank you. That's all I can really say, just thank you for reading. I know I say it all the time, but without them I wouldn't be much of a writer. It really does mean the world when I see a vote or a comment. Sometimes when I stop and really look at the read count on my stories, I can't help but laugh hysterically out of pure happiness. And it's all because of the fans who READ!

9.) Do you plan to make a career as a writer…?

Yes, that's the plan. I know how much it's going to suck at first, but I can't bring myself to care. Writing is what I love, and it's not something I can live without. If I don't make it as a professional writer, you can bet that I'll be writing anyway! But of course, writing for a living is the ultimate goal.

10.) What story did you have the most fun writing and why…?

This is a hard one. I have fun writing most stories in the beginning until it gets a little more serious at the end. If I had to chose, I'd say The Prince's Mate because I enjoyed the relationship between Seb and Serena. I loved watching them both evolve and grow as a mated couple. However, there were some really fun  kickass scenes with Haven that I had a blast writing in MAOPM and MDAPM.

11.) Which one of your characters from one of your stories do you resemble the most…?

If I had to go by appearance and demeanor, I'd say Livy from Rejected, Replaced and Forgotten. We both have long brown hair and wear plain clothes. And of course, I'm more shy and to myself like Livy. Both of us have a temper and a sense of strength when it really counts. For these reasons I'd say I'm the most like Livy. However, every one of my characters have a little part of me that connects me to them.

Thanks for choosing me to interview! It's really an honour to be chosen out of all the other writers on wattpad! Send me the link when you post it so I can send it out to everyone! Thanks again!

(Rockstar)- I’m honestly a big fan myself and am glad to have been able to do this interview!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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