Chapter 1

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I heard it in the distance, but I couldn't stop watching the soft sway of the leaves outside the library window.


I snapped back to reality and peered at my best friend Sophie. "What?" I asked. Her dark brown hair fell loosely around her face as she batted her long lashes.

"It's only the first week of classes and you are already mentally checked out."

"Sorry," I mumbled as I pushed my glasses back up my nose. After spending the summer traveling Europe and seeing the world, who could blame me for not wanting to be cooped up in the library. I tucked a piece of blonde hair behind my ear and gave my simple ponytail a tightening tug. "I guess I left my heart in Italy."

Sophie gave me a soft smile and squeezed my hand. "I know you miss it, Pax, but this is senior year, and I want to get our homework done as soon as possible so we can start making the most out of it this weekend."

I started to object, but she cut me off saying, "Don't even think about getting out of this, girl. You have been a good girl your whole life. And I know you don't care for the party scene, but your best friend has been dying to get out there. So, please? For me?" She stuck out her lip and batted her eyes while folding her hands and pleading. Why was I so hesitant to let loose? I'd always been on the shy side, and I would definitely spend my weekends wrapped up in a book or a good movie than go out and get shit-faced. But Sophie was right. It was our senior year, and I was missing out on the college experience. Besides, I had already secured a job post-graduation.

"OK. Let's do it," I stated.

Her wide and very surprised eyes made me smile. "Are you serious?!"

"Yes. Now let's dig into the wonderful world of psychology before I change my mind."

Sophie squealed loudly, which received many complaints around us in the silent room.

I smiled, and I thought about how different this year would be. I was determined to make the most of my final year at Bridgetown University. I deserved it.

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