Finding Him

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Dylan jumps up grabbing a coat and her car keys. Then she drives to a familiar neighborhood.

Xander had went to elementary school with her, moved during middle school, then moved back for high school.

He lived 30 minutes away from Dylan.

She got to the neighborhood in 15.

"Where the hell does he live?" Dylan mutters to herself.

She drives by a small park and can make out a person sitting under a tree.


She jumps out of the car and runs through the cold rain to the tree.

The person is shaking.

"Xander?" Dylan says, her voice wavering.

The person looks up. He looks almost exactly like Blake did, just older.

"D-dylan." Xander starts sobbing. He drops something in the soaked grass.

Dylan picks it up and throws it. Pills.

"D-dylan." Xander sobs again, looking back up at her. She sits down, attempting to hold him.

"It's okay, you're okay." Dylan says, trying to comfort him. He collapses in her arms.

"Y-you're going to g-get sick." Xander whimpers.

"That's okay."

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