"how are you?"

64 12 7

Unknown: Hi.

Me: Hi.

Unknown: How are you?

Me: The same as I was last night, when you texted me.

Unknown: Oh.

Me: How are you?

Unknown: I'm fine.

Me: You're not, are you?

Unknown: I'm not. But I'll pretend I am for you.

Me: That's stupid. Tell me what's going on.

Unknown: I'm not important. I don't matter. My problems don't even begin to compare to other's.

Me: You're being stupid.

Unknown: Okay.

Me: That's it? Just "okay"?

Unknown: Yes.

Me: Don't shut down on me. I'm worried.

Unknown: Worried?

Me: About you. I'm worried about you. You said you almost killed yourself.

Me: Hello?

Me: If you're going to ignore me, at least turn off the read receipts.

Me: Eli?

Me: I don't know what I did.

Me: I guess you don't want someone to worry about you. Bye.

1 Missed call
1 Voicemail : "I'm sorry. It's just... People don't care about me. They don't worry. I'm not used to it. And then to top it all off, it's yo- never mind. I'm stupid. Yes, I almost... Swallowed the pills. But I didn't. Because of you."



"You called me."

"I did."

"That's a first, isn't it?"

"It is."

"I'm sorry."


"I wish I could talk to you. In person. You know what? Forget I said that."


"Because I'm stupid."

"No, you're just oblivious."

"Same thing."

"No, oblivious is good sometimes. Stupid is never a good thing."



"You're oblivious."

"To what?"

"I don't know how obvious I can make this. You talked to me a while back, but you haven't lately. Have I made you mad? I try to drop hints."

"I don't pick up on the hints, then."



"Dylan, tell me a secret."

"A secret?"

"Yea, then I'll tell you one."

"I love Barbie movies."



"That's cute," I can hear the smile in his voice.

"What's your secret?"

"You promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise."

"Well," I hear him move around, then he whispers, "I love you."


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