Then so be it

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Damon POV

Confusion flared through me as Clara announced that she was his mate. I looked around the table and the others look seriously confused.

"Mate?" Caroline questioned. I could here a hint of jealousy in her voice. Looks like someone is getting jealous.

" Yes, I am his mate an it is very nice to meet you". She has a devious sparkle in her eye and I could tell she picked up on the jealousy in the blond barbies voice too. Caroline tried to smile at her but it ended up looking like a grimace. Klaus must have caught her look because he sent a growl her way.

I could see the fear flash through her eyes and Clara turned her attention to Klaus. She caressed his face to calm him and it seemed to be working. She sent a glare Caroline's way and she visibly flinched. Everyone else was just watching the interaction with curios eyes. 

My eyes raked over her face. She truly was a beauty. I knew Klaus would have my head if her heard what I was thinking so I moved my eyes away from her. Klaus was eventually calm and she turned her attention to us. she looked at our faces, one by one and her eyes stopped on Elena. 

" So you're the oh so famous doppelganger everyone had been talking about." Elena jumped as she spoke to her. I rolled my eyes a little. I love Elena but she needs to grow a backbone but then again its her tenderness that attracted me to her. And her innocence and her soft pink lips. But she was nothing compared to Clara.


Where did that come from. I will admit that she is beautiful but I love Elena and Elena only. Plus, she has Klaus. For some reason i was saddened by that thought. I shook my head and tried to organize my thoughts. I was brought back to reality when Stefan kicked me. My eyes snapped up to meet his and he looked at me as if asking me what was wrong. I shook my head to reassure him it was nothing. 

As much as I despise Stefan, he has been going through a tough time with all this Elena drama and I don't think there is any more room for problems in this town. But seeing as Klaus is back, that just may not happen.

I brought myself back to the conversation. I looked to see Caroline glaring at Clara as she talked to Elena and Bonnie. They seemed to be hitting it off. That's a shocker. I understand Elena but i was sure that Bonnie would hate her for her association with Klaus.

I looked at Klaus to see him staring lovingly at Clara. As if she could sense his staring, she quickly turned and pecked him on the lips before casually returning back to her conversation. A small flare of jealousy filled me. I don't know what Clara is doing to me but I plan to find out. 

I smirked and stated talking to Stefan, planning how I would be able to spend more time with her. 

And if it means that I would have Klaus on my ass everyday of the week, then so be it

Klaus POV

I looked at Damon as he talked to Stefan. He has this look in his eyes when he looked at My Clara and I don't like it not one bit. If he dares to even try to come between us, I will unleash hell on his soul and he will be sorry.

I looked at my beautiful mate sitting on my lap. She looked absolutely mesmerizing.  I watched her casually converse with the doppelganger and the witch and on occasion one of the Salvatore's would jump in. It was very interesting to watch

i sat back and indulged in the peace. I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go wrong but I pushed it to the back of my mind. 

I would enjoy the peace of Mystic Falls for as long as it lasted. And when that time does come, I will protect my beautiful little Clara. 

And if it means that I have to rip this little town and everyone in it apart, then so be it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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