The Troll Duhn Duhn Duuuuuhn!!

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This chapter is dedicated to Ro4323 because she promised to update if I updated this book. Ok, here we go!!

~~OCTOBER!! Yeah it's October~~
This. School. Is. The. Best. Tonight was the Halloween, and Hogwarts looks like it went through a Halloween transformation. There were spiderwebs around every corner, spiders hung down and I saw Ron freakin out in the Great Hall. Hogwarts looked like a haunted house that muggles do. I hadn't seen Hermione all day, since Potions first class. She ran off to the bathroom and didn't come back.
I was getting worried, but Harry pulled me into the Great Hall and it was absolutely stunning. The ceiling was stormy grey and cloudy; perfect for Halloween. Harry and I sat down and started to eat.
     About halfway through, Quirrell came running down the isle between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.
   "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!! TROLL  IN THE DUNGEON!! Just thought you ought to know." And then passed out onto the floor. A troll?? Oh god. I started to follow Harry and Percy when we turned to each other and exclaimed,
  "Hermione!" Simultaneously. We ran to the girls bathroom and Harry halted right outside the door.
     "It's okay, Harry. I'll go in, you don't have to." Thinking that he didn't want to go into the girls loo. He shook his head and pointed forward. A huge mountain troll stood there destroying a stall. I heard a squeak and I knew it was Hermione.
     I charged in, which wasn't my brightest move, and slid under the trolls legs. Harry followed my lead and we stood with Hermione. She was on the ground, whimpering. The troll had its back turned and Harry charged it. He jumped on its back and shoved his wand up his nose. Ugh, that's disgusting. I stood my ground in front of Hermione as the troll spun wildly and swung his club. I ducked and took my wand out of my robes. I said,
     "Wingardium Leviosa." And swished my wand and flicked it at the troll. His club raised up and I lifted my wand and it fell on his head. He swayed a bit and then fell on his ugly face. Harry jumped up and retrieved his wand, which was covered in troll boogies.
     I wrinkled as he wiped them on the trolls trousers. I helped Hermione shakily up and linked arms with her to keep her from falling. McGonagall came in and saw the troll and gasped.
     "Don't worry!! He's not dead, just knocked out!" Harry quickly assured her, but she waved him aside.
    "Why are you three here? And how did you manage to take down a full grown mountain troll?" McGonagall asked.
    "Well-" I started but Hermione interrupted.
    "It was me. I came down here thinking I could take it down and then Harry and Ginny saved me. I'm so sorry. I know I should think before doing, but they were incredibly brave. I probably would've died if it weren't for them." Hermione said in a rush. McGonagall pursed her lips and said,
    "Ten points will be taken from Gryffindor for your foolish thinking, but, because of their bravery and quick thinking, I award Mr. Potter and Miss. Weasley ten points each." I smiled at Hermione and quickly covered it up. I walked out with Harry and Hermione and I saw Snape give Quirrell and murderous look. I've only seen that look in my parents once. The rest of the time is just regular hate. We got back to the common room and sat down. Finally, I snapped. I started to cry. I thought about all, the horrible way Lucy treated me for eleven years, the way my parents look at me with disappointment written on the faces, my older brothers ignoring me, everyone except Ron saying they hate me. I cracked. I sat there crying as Harry and Hermione tried to soothe me. I buried my head in Hermione's shoulder and let out a loud sob. It was late and almost everyone was in bed. The few people who weren't, weren't even fazed by my crying. I felt horrible. How could I be crying this bad, when Harry had suffered the same loathing and disapproval as I did? How could he not crack? He must be very strong. When I finished crying Hermione and I bid good-night to Harry and we went up to bed. Hermione read while I got in bed and fell asleep.
     "Make sure you get some sleep." I said to her before I fell asleep.

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