Chapter 9- Calm Before the Storm

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(May's POV)

The next day was a perfectly clear day and the air outside was crisp and fresh.

"Hey guys did you remember the legend Silvie told us about last night?" Minzy asked with no particular caution as she lay the plates down in front of us. Pancakes and strawberry ice cream. Yum.
She realised no one was paying attention to her and were already beginning to eat. "Hello? You know the legend all about Yuki and her brother?"

I inwardly groaned. Way to be subtle. Minzy proceeded to fetch us some cool water from the kitchen and came back with bright plastic cups. Yuki shifted uncomfortably in her seat and took a fluro blue cup. "I'm pretty sure I've heard it somewhere before," Drew stated.
I frowned.
"Come to think of it, so have I..."

Silver stared at us like we were insane. "My mother told me the legend when I was younger. She said only the family knows about it."
There was a strange silence. Not that silences are different, this one just sounded more strange than usual. Well to me anyway. That's up for you readers to decide.

Okaaaaaayyyyy then. I guess no more fourth wall breaking for me anymore. Anyway. . .

I knew I had heard the legend before. Somehow Drew had too. Then Minzy whispered to Yuki.
"What happened to your brother? He's not...dead is he? You didn't really shoot him, right?"

Yuki stared at her half - eaten breakfast. Her ice cream was starting to melt.
"My brother...when we came to The Earth, he found out about the legend. Of course back then, we still fought with each other but when he found out he was pretty much destined to attempt to kill me, he told me to shoot him. He was always the strong one, he knew if he tried to kill me he would almost certainly succeed. He told me to take his I could live."

Tears started to form in her eyes but she furiously blinked them away.

"I didn't want to....I really didn't but-but he said if I didn't he'd take his own life and that was more than I could bear."

I couldn't believe it. This was the sort of thing that would happen in those sappy Pokémon dramas but this was real. And the daughter of Arceus - one of my best friends was in the middle of the plot.

"And so I buried him in the nicest....'g word' possible. I gave his Pokémon to the nearest Pokémon centre and put a picture of a Ralts near the 'g word'. It was always his favourite Pokémon." She continued with a small smile.

"Well at least one day we'll meet once more when I'm gone."
I stared at her in horror. "Don't you even think about it." I said firmly. She laughed. It was a light, careless laugh. It sounded strange in the silence that had been in the room for so long.
"Don't worry. I'm fine, promise."

Yuki took a few spoonfuls of her melted ice cream, one more bite of her maple - syrup covered pancake and a few sips of water. She stood up, walked into the kitchen and scraped the contents of her plate into the bin and filled the small compact sink with hot water and detergent. "Uh, is anyone going to give me their dishes to wash?" She asked in a soft voice.

I hastily finished the last of my pancakes and the last few spoons of ice cream and placed my plate in the sink. The others had gone to pack our stuff up so I went to collect their dishes and cups from the table and put them into the sink as well. I grabbed a cloth and started to dry the suds off.

By the time we had washed up and cleaned the camper van, Minzy, Drew and Silver had packed up all of our stuff for us. We stopped by the department store to return the borrowed appliances and thanked the owner multiple times. Jaci's house was around an hours walk away so we decided to walk. On the way, we stopped at a nearby park to rest and bond with our Pokémon. I sent out my whole team, Minzy sent out just her Bayleef and Arcanine, Yuki sent out Shaymin, Silver sent out his Altaria and his new Torchic and Drew sent out Roserade and Venusaur.

We were practising battle moves and enjoying ourselves when a young woman that looked around our age approached us cautiously.

"Uh, excuse me?" The woman asked. She had short caramel brown hair that hung loose above her shoulders and was wearing black track pants, a casual shirt and sneakers. Her brown eyes shone with worry.
"I was wondering if you've seen a small wooden box anywhere?" She signed the size with her hands. "It's painted black and has some gold engraved sigils on it."

"No, we haven't seen" Silver replied flatly. I exchanged a bemused glance with Drew. The woman looked taken aback and looked at us like she expected us to understand something. When we didn't seem to understand, she let out a small sigh.

"Don't worry about it." She said quietly, turning away. Her sneakers crunched against the grass.


We arrived at Jaci's cottage at around midday. To be fair, it was more of a house than a cottage. The front lawn was decorated with lavender and rose flowers in a neat row, welcoming any visitors. The outside walls were painted red and had flower patterns on it painted in a beautiful shade of rose - gold. The cute little chimney that sat perfectly on top was chugging out smoke, telling us she was home.
There were square stepping stones that led from the gate right to the front door.

We delicately made our way to the entrance and Silver went to knock on the door, only to find out that it was already open, sitting ajar loosely like it had no other purpose in life.

"She should be expecting us. I hope she doesn't mind us invading without her direct permission," he muttered and pushed the door back.

Walking into her home was like walking into a six - year - old's room; messy, carefree and it reeked of a stench that smelt strangely like blood.
"Is she a vampire?" Silver asked. I couldn't tell if he was joking. Yuki wandered off into the living room and let out a cry of disbelief. I was instantly by her side. One look at her:
eyes tearing up, hands over her mouth and her knees shaking told me something was terribly wrong.

"What is it?"
"Look where? All I can see is a room and a cordial stain on the floor."
She pointed a shaky hand at the sofa. Along with the floor, it was drenched in the blood - red colour that I thought was cordial. A bloody, scarred body lay limp and almost unrecognisable on it. Beside it was a small black wooden box with gold patterns on it, black smoke streaming from the open lid.

Short chapter, I know. I haven't been feeling well both physically and mentally. On the bright side, this book has reached 1.05k reads!! Thank you all so much!

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