Chapter 8- Reality Isn't That Real

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I don't know why I think about her all the time, or why I even try talking to her sometimes. Really, why do I even bother thinking about her strawberry blonde hair - highlighted with a single brown streak, pale skin and consistent perkiness...wait, am I - no, please no. I really don't want me to catch myself thinking about her. Ah, too late. I realised that May was talking to Minzy and I excitedly - oops.

I glanced at Yuki and Drew, who were talking and laughing. Well Drew was the one doing the talking and Yuki was doing the laughing. Yuki's laughter, however had nothing to do with what the green - head was saying. I stared at Drew enviously, wondering how he could talk to her like that without her getting mad at him. Yuki caught me looking at them and stared coldly into my eyes. I tore my gaze from them and decided to tune in on what May was saying.

"Do you really think so?" She was asking us eagerly.
"No......?" I mumbled.
Minzy narrowed her eyes and nudged me.

"Could you be positive for a change?" she hissed under her breath so only I could hear. Woah. Who put Caterpies into her lunch? Then I remembered that we were on our way to meet someone that went by the name of Jaci. Don't ask me why, Ho-oh and the other Pokémon kept on insisting that we must. I don't even think she knows we're coming to her house.

Great, so we're just going to knock on her door and say that our Pokémon stalk her? Now I come to think of it, the name Jaci sounds very it? No, it can't be. Why would it be? I berated myself for being so fickle. What's up with me and thinking about girls today? Well, technically only two but still.

Apparently this Jaci knows a way to remove the scars from May's arms. May still wears either a long sleeved shirt or a jumper, and it's been around a month. I almost feel sorry for her, especially in this hot weather. She never wears a cap to cover the single scar on her forehead anymore - she says it makes her look 'cool' and 'battle hardened'. Pffffffffttttt NO. 

"IMEANYES," I quickly said, as May started to look sad. "Jaci will surely be able to help you." At least that's what I thought they were talking about. It turns out I guessed right. May perked up immediately. We haven't seen her this excited since.......well you know...

"Group hug!" Minzy exclaimed, dragging a helpless Drew and Yuki over, and forcing everyone to hug each other. I prayed that I would survive the day.


(May's POV)

An hour of walking, walking and more walking we stopped at a department store of some sorts. We would spend the night in a camper van at a nearby lake, which just happened to be a campsite. Luckily the manager of the store kindly allowed us to loan a camper van and some cooking appliances for the night.

When I told Silver I didn't want to wear the cap to cover my scar because it looked cool - which it does - he raised his eyebrow but said nothing. He's just jealous that I look better than him.

The group walked in to the store and looked around. It was quite big, with three floors. "I'm going exploring!" I informed everyone. Drew smiled at me and said "go crazy", Silver shrugged, Minzy literally ran to the area that specialised in camping chairs - sitting on them and testing their bounciness and Yuki started to talk to Drew again so I just went ahead and did what I wanted. The first two levels were filled with awesome camping stuff and the third was kitchenware, books, TVs, clothes, cute Pokémon plushies, jewellery and some hair accessories. I heard some girls chatting in prissy princessy tones and I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation and crouched behind a Squirtle Plushie.

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