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Merci's POV

The year is 2015 now. Over the years I've traveled a bit, but always return to the Trancy manor. Timber, Thompson and Canterbury help me keep the place look like it did all those years ago. Today is my birthday, but I'm far from happy. Though, today is a good day for me. For today Ciel Phantomhive's name has appeared on the to-die list. In fact I'm about to kill him now. It's the summer, but it's England so it's raining. I have on a Black Veil Brides hoodie and black skinny jeans with black converses. In front of me is Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel has aged to look the age of 25 maybe. I still look the same age though. 

"Hello Merci." he says.

"Hello Ciel." I reply.

"It's time for me to die then?" He asks and I nod. I take out my chainsaw and turn it on. 

"Your death will be quick." I say and cut clean through his chest. I collect his soul and make my chainsaw disappear. 

"Did that make you feel better?" Sebastian asks.

"No. Why would it?" I say knowing what the demon will respond with.

"Well you must blame his a little for Alois' death." Sebastian says.

"I do not. It was all Alois and Claude. Claude killed him and Alois gave up his soul. The fault lands on them." I say.

"Yet there is guilt in your eyes."

"Are you questioning my emotions? I know demons are judgmental, but I didn't think they are stupid." 

"Let's not forget that you are half demon."

"Don't remind me."

"How does it feel?" 

"How does what feel?"

"A broken heart."

"Horrid. I wouldn't wish pain like this on anyone. Though over the years I've gone a bit numb emotionally. People call it depression." 

"Interesting. Well happy birthday Merci."

"Happy isn't the word I would use."

"Oh yes. I forgot. Died on your birthday on his way to see Ciel. If only he had stayed home. Or maybe if you had gone with him. He would be alive today. If only you had done something different. Maybe it is your fault."

"Shut up." 

"Oh, but you could have told him about becoming a demon when you got home or in the morning. You had time. If you had wanted you could have asked him to stay home and I bet he would have. It's hardly Claude's fault really. It's all yours." 

"Yeah so? I can't change that, no one can. No one can change death." 

"But you're in charge of it aren't you? I've heard you are one of the top reapers. Can't you do anything about death?" 

"No one can reverse death. Anyone can cause it." 

"Are you sure?" Ciel stands back up looking fine.

"That's impossible. I took your soul. I killed you!" I say panicking.

"Demons have come up with a few tricks over the years. We don't need our souls." Ciel says.

"That's not fair! That's cheating! Everyone and everything dies! You are no exception to that rule." i say.

"And when do you die?" Ciel asks.

"The day you're truly die Ciel. I was going to be able to be done after today! What do you even have to live for any more? You don't make contracts. You two just sit about and watch the world as it changes." I say getting mad.

"Why are you waiting for my death?" Ciel asks.

"Everyone else I knew has died. You are the last one Ciel." I say, not counting the triplets.

"I guess I'll be the last one then." Ciel says and turns to Sebastian.

"I order you to kill her." He says and before I can blink Sebastian some how has my death scythe. 

"Would you really right a little girl in the middle of london?" I ask and he attempts to slash me, but I dodge.

"Didn't you notice that no one is around?" Sebastian asks.

"Didn't you notice the cameras?" I ask.

"They don't work." He says smugly. He slashes at me again and I slip in a puddle. He goes for the kill and I let him. The pain spreads through me.

"Thank you." I say and that's when I die.

Ciel's POV

"Thank you." She says a few tears slips from her eyes. I can tell she is dead. It's a shame. She never did smile much around me. She looks kind of happy though, but the kind of happy she was when she said she was happy that Alois was happy. She always did put his happiness before hers.

"Good bye Merci. You have lived a long life. Time for a rest." I say



Grell's little sister Ciel x OC x Alois {{COMPLETED}}Where stories live. Discover now