Part 4

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A/N: sooooooo there is this thing called Tab For Cause and you just sign up and every time you open a tab it will go to it and you get these hearts and you can donate them to different causes so yeah just sign up please it's free. Also I know how the show goes, but if I start following the timeline of the show it will be far too short so I'm going to add a week or so before the death of Alois. YOU ARE WELCOME!

Merci's POV

I sit up in bed and yawn. I had slept in a guest room across the hall from Alois' room. I snap my fingers and I'm in a short black dress with long white sleeves, white lace near the collar. and a black bow on it with knee high black boots and my hair in curls. I hope Alois is feeling okay today. I walk across the hall and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear Alois ask.

"It's Merci Alois." I say. I hear shuffling and then the door opens. to reveal Alois in his normal booty shorts with bandages around the wound.

"Alois you shouldn't be walking yet. That is a serious wound and if you move around it's never going to get to heal." I tell him and walk him back over to his bed.

"You're dressed like you're going somewhere." he says sitting down on his bed.

"Yes I'm going into town to get you some medicine. Please just stay in bed." I tell him.

"But that's so boring." Alois says.

"And bleeding to death is painful. So you pick. Today you can die slowly and painfully or you can get some rest." I say and kiss his forehead.

"How long are you going to be out?" he asks.

"Just a hour or so." I tell him. I go to walk out, but Alois grabs my wrist.

"Please stay. Can't you go into town later?" Alois asks. I sigh.

"Of course I can." I say turning to face him and smile. He stands up and snakes his arms around my waist and my arms loop around his neck. He's still a little taller than me. I look up a little and look into his eyes. They're an amazing blue, but there is pain in them.

"What are you thinking about Alois?" I ask.

"I just wish life could always be like this. You and me, together forever." He says.

"But that's not how our lives work. You has a contract with a demon and I'm a grim reaper. You will die fairly soon and I will live forever." I say sadly.

"It's like a cruel joke." He say.

"Only It's not a joke. We're both bound to be without each other. I just hope you die happily." I say. Alois just looks at me sadly.

Alois' POV (cause why not?)

I look at Merci sadly, the reality of her life sinking in. She'll never be able to live her whole life with someone that loves her. Humans would die and a reaper or demon's love would just fade after a while. She could love a human and love them their whole life but no one will ever be able to love her for all of hers. I press my lips to hers and she melts into the kiss. I move and press her against the wall and her hands are in my hair.

KNOCK. KNOCK. You have to be kidding me. Maybe Claude will go away. I kiss down her neck and hit a sweet spot her her and she lets out a quiet groan. I begin at attack the spot, kissing it and biting it, but Claude continues to knock on the door.

"Alois." She says.

"Hmm." I say.

"Who ever is at the door isn't going to go away." She says and we both sigh.

"I know." I say sadly and she gives me a quick peck on the lips. I go back to sitting on my bed and she goes over to the door. She opens it and Claude walk in and she walks out.

"Did I interrupt?" Claude asks smirking.

"Yes. You did." I say as he walks over to my dresser and takes out a white long sleeve shirt and a green and black striped vest.

"Would you like me to bring your food up to you this morning?" He asks as he changes my bandages.

"No." I say as starts to dress me. I just sit in silence.

"Do you like that reaper girl?" He asks.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"I'm only curious." He says.

"I do like her." I say. A small smile forms on his face.

"Why are you smiling?" I demand.

"It' just not like you to tell me such information. I figure you must trust me more." He says and looks up at me. That's when it hits me. Golden eyes. Her brother said she's half demon.

"You always tell me the truth correct?" I ask Claude.

"A butler always answers his master's questions truthfully." He says.

"Are you and Merci related?" I ask him.

"Yes. I am her father." (A/N: dun dun DUNNNNNNN!!! Okay continue)

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him getting mad.

"You never asked." He says and smirks. I slap him.

"Get out." I order him.

"Yes, Your Highness." He says and leaves. I lay back on my bed. I wonder when Merci will get back.

Merci's POV

I walk into the store I ordered painkillers from last night.

"Hello I placed an order for painkillers last night and was told to pick them up this morning." I say as I reach the counter.

"Sorry Ma'am. They aren't here yet. Come back tomorrow." He says. I sight and leave the shop. Stupid, unreliable human. I take out my to-die book. Look at that the man in the shop is due to die in 3. 2. 1. I turn and take out my chainsaw and kill him. Now how am I to ever get those painkillers? I leave the show and continue to work on my to-die list.

~3 hours later~

"Ronald! This is ridiculous! I'm not the one who took you silly deathscythe!" I yell at him. He's a newer reaper and thinks I stole his silly lawnmower deathscythe. Sadly i'm badly out of practice and he found a way to get my deathscythe. I can tell he doesn't want to kill me by a look in his eyes, so what is it he is trying to accomplish? As I'm thinking this he is ablebto get a deep gash in my side. He is able to add another in my shoulder and runs off. I crumble agaist the wall. The pain is unbearable. The gashes were made by a deathscythe to it could kill me. My vision is covered in black spots and Im taking shallow breaths. I can hear someone running in heels close by. I turn my head and see Alois. I can here him callung my name, but I can't get a word out.
"Claude! Where is she!" H asks Claude sonding very worried.
"She's very close." He says.
"A-Alois." I choke out, but it's not even a whisper. Claude turns his head my way.
"What Claude?" Alois asks him.
"I think she's down there your Highness." He says and Alois runs down not even a yard from me.
"Merci!" He says as he sees me and as I black out.
Alois' POV
I pick up Merci and notice she is bleeding. She has blacked out and is taking shallow breaths.i kiss her forehead.
"Please be okay my love." I say and run out to Claude.
"Oh dear, she's injured." He says surprised.
"We need to get home. Now!" I say. He picks me up and in a second I'm in my room holding Merci. I lay her down on my bed. I check her wrist for a pulse and it's barley there.
"Please don't die on me. I...I love you."

Grell's little sister Ciel x OC x Alois {{COMPLETED}}Where stories live. Discover now