Part 2

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Alois' POV

Merci quickly falls asleep. I look down at the small grim reaper. I brush a bit of hair from her face and soon fall asleep myself with my arms around her waist so she doesn't leave in the morning.

Merci's POV

I wake up and bury my face in my pillow. Then I remember it's Alois' chest and try to move away, but his arms around my waist hold me in place. I just woke up so I don't have much strength. After a minute I fall back asleep


I wake up some time later and my head is in Alois' lap so I quickly slow my breathing pattern to match one of a sleeping person's.

"She's so peaceful when she's asleep. Don't you think so Claude?" I hear Alois say as he plays with my hair.

"Why yes your highness." Claude says. Alois kisses my forehead and moves me so I'm back to laying on the bed normally. I hear Claude walk out and Alois, but Alois stops at the door.

"I know you're awake Merci." he says and leaves. The door closes and I sit up. I snap my fingers and I'm in a black shorts and a red, button up sleeveless shirt. I look out the door and decide to give myself a tour of the manner. I turn the corner only to be stopped by a set of triplets.

"Master said you're not to leave his room. Sorry Miss." The one on the right says and drags me back to Alois' room.

"But I have a to-die list to take care of! Will is gonna kill me if I don't get it done!" I say.

"To bad." The one in the center says.

"I'll scream if I want to and Alois will come running." I say.

"We're just doing what we were told to do." the one on the right says. I shrug and scream a high pitched scream and in seconds Alois is here.

"What's wrong?!" He asks.

"They're being mean to me." I say and point to the triplets and pinch myself in the back really hard making tears come to my eyes. Alois glare at the 3 and they walk away. Alois pulls me into a hug. I have him wrapped around my finger.

"I bet you're hungry." Alois says and I nod. I don't need food, but it's good so I eat it sometimes. Alois takes me to the dining room and Claude comes in with pancakes and sets them in front of me. I smile at him and begin to eat. Alois just watches me smiling which is creepy.... I eat quickly and Claude takes my plate away. I stand up and Alois grabs my wrist pulling me off to god knows where. When we stop we're at the start of a maze.

"I want to see how long it will take you to complete the maze. I'll be at the end and you can't just jump." Alois says. I walk in and run quickly, taking many twists and turns. It takes me an hour to find the end.

"Longer than I thought." He mumbles.

"It kept changing." I say

"Oh... then you did quite well. Most people would be lost if a maze kept changing." Alois says and wraps his arms around my waist and I tense up. Half way back to the manner Alois asks me a question.

"Want to play a game of chess with me?"

"Sure." I say.

~ in Alois' study

Alois cests up the chess board and sits down. I sit opposite of him. We play for hours, but it's only one round. It's around midnight when I slip up and he wins.

"You're really good Merci." Alois says.

"So are *yawn*you." I say. He sees how tired I am and chuckles. he walks over to me and picks me up bridal style. I lean my head on his chest and he chuckles again.

"Time for you to go to bed." he says. I nod and close my eyes as he carries me to his room.

Alois' POV

I carry Merci to my room as she falls asleep. She's adorable when she's asleep! I lay her in the middle of the bed and wrap my arms around her small form. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear her quiet voice.

"A-alois?" She asks.

"Yes?" I whisper in her ear and lick it.

"Why do you like me so much?" She asks.

"You're pretty, smart, fast, funny, and very huggable." I say.

"I'm very huggable?" She asks turning to face me.

"Yup!" I say and kiss her nose making her giggle. She wraps her arms around my torso and buries her face in my chest, falling back to sleep. I smile and fall asleep as well.

~the next day Alois' POV~

I wake up and see Merci still sleeping. I smirk and kiss her forehead and she starts to wake up.

"Morning my dove." I whisper and lick her ear.

"M-morning A-Alois." She stutters. I smirk at this.

"What? Why so nervous?" I ask and tighten my grip on her.

"What are you t-talking about?" She asks and I can see a hint a pink in her cheeks.

"If you say so." I say and kiss her. At fist she is shocked, but them she melts into the kiss.

'And you're mine! Take THAT Ciel!'

~~~flash back to the ball~~~

"So Ciel. I hear you met little miss grim reaper." I say smirking.

"Yes. So?" he asks.

"What do you think of her?" I ask

"I think she is quite unpredictable and a little bipolar. Why?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"She's caught my eye." I say and shrug. Ciel sighs

"Her older brother said to keep her away from you. I know for a fact he will kill me if I fail to do so." Ciel says.

"Is Phantomhive afraid of someone?" I ask with a smirk.

"I wouldn't use that wording." He says.

"So you are!" I say.

"Shut up." He mumbles.

~~~flash back over~~~

Grell's little sister Ciel x OC x Alois {{COMPLETED}}Where stories live. Discover now