A Strange Morning

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*Amelia's POV*

I'm jolted awake by someone shaking me fiercely. "Go to hell," I murmur.

"No, sorry, but you have to wake up for school," he laughs. Ugh, it's always him that bugs me.

"Go away Ross," I pull a pillow on my face hoping the darkness it provides can lull me back to sleep.

"No again, come on," he picks me up bridal style and carries me to my dresser. He places me on it and opens it, revealing nothing.

I sit up annoyed, "what are you doing," I groan.

I've never been a morning person, "helping you get ready," he smirks.

"Over my dead body," I yawn and walk over to a box labeled favorite clothes. I pull out a red T-shirt, black arm length fingerless gloves, a black leather vest not jacket, a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black spiked heels. I place them on my bed and turn around to find Ross grinning. "What's your problem, your acting too nice," I state scanning him. He's never this nice, ever. At least, he's never been this nice to me.

"Just had a change of heart, see you at breakfast," he smiles, winks, and walks out of my room. WEIRD, just weird. I need a shower. I strip, turn on the hot water and hop in. Inside, I start thinking about my dad's funeral in three days it's going to be terrible. So many tears, I shake it off and start singing if If I Die Young by Band Perry. I'm almost done when I hear footsteps in my bathroom. I grab my emergency baseball bat that I keep in the shower for in case anyone breaks in when I'm showering. I know I'm weird but safe. I shut off the shower, grab the towel I hung over the side, wrap it around myself, and open the shower letting out a battle cry. My bat almost meets the face of a surprised Ross.

"What are you doing in here?!," I screech.

"S-sorry just wanted to tell you breakfast is done," he stutters.

"Get out! Before I make bat to nose contact!," I scream. He runs out and I get back in my shower rinsing my hair. After I get out and get dressed. I walk downstairs and the smell of bacon and eggs fill my nose. Mmmm, I LOVE bacon and eggs. I skip downstairs and walk into the dining room, the whole family is seated at a huge oak table. "Morning!," I greet excitedly.

"Morning!," everyone answers, except Ratliff who is passed out drool running out of his mouth. I sit in between Rydel and Ross, across from me is the sleeping Ratliff, next to him is Rocky, and on the other side of him is Riker, who also looks like he's about to pass out.

"Long night?," I ask Riker. He nods and he then drops his head even more, utterly passing out on the table. I break out in a hysterical laughter. Eventually, everyone else joins in. I look at each of their clothing, Rydel is wearing a pink T-shirt, silver pants, black heels, and her signature black choker. Rocky is wearing his signature gray beanie, a gray shirt, a pair of fairly new jeans, and a blue pair of vans. Riker has on a white and red striped shirt, black jeans, and gray converse. Ellington is still in his pajamas, I roll my eyes. Finally, Ross is in a black T-shirt that shows off his muscles, faded jeans, and red vans. Henrey comes out with a plate of bacon and eggs and an apron that says kiss the cook. He places the plate down and stares at Ratliff and Riker. He swings up the spatula in his hand and hit them both upside the head with it.

"Hey!," they groan.

"Ratliff go get dressed if you want breakfast, Riker, take a five-hour energy," moans Henery. Snickers come from around the room and he shoots us all menacing looks. We grab plates and forks and start digging in.

Rosses POV

I eat somewhat of my breakfast, we aren't used to eating human food very much. Trust me, we can deal with it, its just the taste will always be off. I stare at Amelia, last night when I fell asleep thinking of her, I woke up doing the same thing. Except for this time, not much hate was behind my thoughts, more protectiveness was. I just want to wrap her up in my arms and never let go.

"Hey, Ross your drooling," shouts Rocky. She turns towards me and realizes I'm staring.

"Uh....," I feel myself blush.

"Yeah right like he would stare at me," she laughs. This gets me upset, really upset, why wouldn't I, after all, she's perfect. All eyes are on me waiting for a response, but before I could give one Henrey came in with glasses of "kool-aid" (blood) for us and Oj for her. What we are drinking is animal blood it's not safe for us to drink human blood around her. Ratliff comes back downstairs in a plaid button up, jeans like most of us, a blue beanie, and gray converse.

"Hey," he yawns. He sits down and digs in, mainly on the drink though. If you're wondering why Ratliff and Riker are so tired it's because they went out for a late hunting trip, and yes vampires need sleep as much as humans do.

"So after school today I was thinking we could go to the movies!" cheers Rydel. She always has to be perky, doesn't she?

"Which one?" asks Melia.

"How about Chappie," suggests Rocky.

"Alright!," she agrees. Light snores are again heard from the other side of the table, Riker is now, face first in his eggs and Ratliffs not even in his chair, how did we not hear him fall? I stand up and look over at him he's fast asleep on the floor. We burst into a hysterical laughter at our brother and friend who are passed out. Well, except for Henrey he's just sitting there glaring obviously not in the mood to deal with them.

"I'm going to work make sure to get to school," he grumbles and walks out. He's always like this in the morning because he knows how much paperwork he always has in the morning.

"Alright I got this," I say standing up. I walk into the kitchen everyone giving me questioning looks. I come back out with two cups of cold water, everyone finally catches on, even Amelia. I tilt the first one over Ratliff's head and dump it on him.

"Hey!," he groans jumping up from the floor. I do the same thing to Riker and he stands up even faster spitting out eggs. They both tackle me, we end up in an all-out wrestle tournament. After a few minutes, someone comes over and hits all three of us over the head.

"Hey!," we scream. We look up and see Melia smirking.

"Come on, time for school," we all run out of the house and into my brother Rocky's black wrangler jeep.

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