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*Amelia's POV*

When we pull into the garage Ross carry's me up to my bedroom and sets me down on my bed, I can still feel his presence though. What did he mean by, 'suck her dry,' it sounds as if he's going to eat her or do something else. Yeah, right. I decide I'm tired of fake sleeping and sit up stifling a 'yawn.' "Hello," I smile. He jumps a little when he sees me sit up.

"Hey," he starts blushing.

"So, why are you stalking me?," I slit my eyelids close together, but still smile.

"U-um, I'm not stalking you, just making sure your okay," I could tell he's not telling the truth, but I doubt he ever will though.

"Okay then, well come on, I'm hungry," I stand up and wobble a little. Damn, I hate losing blood. When I talk I sound weird but whatever, we go downstairs and I see some dinner on the table already.

"Hey Meali," Henry smiles.

"Hey Henry, did you make all of this," I motion towards the table full of food.

"Yep, go get Ellington, Riker, and Rydel please, Rocky went out for dinner," he smiles and Ross quickly goes out into the living room and yells.

"Guys dinner!" they come downstairs tripping over each other along the way. We all sit down and eat, I barely touch my food, I thought I was hungrier than I am, guess not, the food just doesn't look appetizing to me anymore.

"Melia, why aren't you eating? Didn't you just say you were hungry?" Ross questions looking over at me.

"Cause I'm just not hungry anymore," I shrug. "I'm going to turn in early night guys," I walk or should I say trudge upstairs. I land with a flop on my bed, looking at all the boxes. I take one that says family photos and reach inside it. I pull out a picture of my family from a while ago. My mom, black hair flowing in the wind, brown eyes looking vibrant and full of life. My dad, smiling proudly at me, his brown hair in spikes, blue eyes happy. Me, I'm so tiny I don't even recognize myself, i'm wearing overalls, a toothy grin even though I'm missing my front ones, and have a huge thing of cotton candy in my hand. This was taken when I was six, we went to the carnival for my birthday, I kicked a clown in the gut. I look over and see water on the picture, I feel my cheeks, they're flowing with tears.

"Mommy, why did you leave me at my worst, Daddy, what made you want to go hunting and never come back," I whisper. I run into the bathroom and throw up my breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Oh no, it's coming back, my anorexia. I throw up again and go back on my bed.

"Your ugly," says a voice I haven't heard in so long. "And fat, I don't know why these people are treating you so nice, in fact, I'm pretty sure Ross is only treating you nicely cause he feels sorry for you," she torments.

"Go away, please," I beg silently crying.

"No, I'm here to stay bitch, whether you want me to or not," she cackles. Looks like my schizophrenia is back to.

*Rosses POV*

I wonder why she didn't eat much at dinner? I mean, she was fine at breakfast. Maybe getting hurt ruins a humans appetite. "Go away," she mumbles as I walk by. I stop and listen in,

"I'm not," she whispers.

"Stop! Please, leave me alone!" she begs. I rip the door open and see her alone.

"Meali whats wrong no ones in here," I look around her room.

"She's back, she is telling me nasty things, she is tormenting me," Melia sobs.

"Who's she?," I sit on her bed.

"Well, she is my schizophrenia, my dad helped me through it last time, helped me keep her away, but now that he's gone, she is back," Amelia explains.

"Um, okay then, I'll just let you talk to her then," I get up to leave.

"Don't go," she whispers grabbing my wrist.

"Why not, you'll be fine," I look back at her, she's, crying hard. I need to go research what schizophrenia is, so I can help her.

"Please, she's quiet when your here, please," she pleads.

"Alright," I lay down with her she bury's her face in my chest and I tense. I'm not used to her being so close. Eventually, I calm down, I pet her hair and hum a song. She falls asleep and I slip out walking to my computer.

I turn on Google and type in schizophrenia, I wait a minute and click on a Wikipedia article. Schizophrenia, a mental disease in which the patient always think negative about him or herself. They rarely trust anyone and most likely have other diseases too, such as bulimia, anorexia, depression, cutting and binge eating. In extreme cases, the patient may start hearing or seeing there "little voice" in there head. Causes may be bullying, depression, or loss of a loved one. I stop reading, so she has mental problems? I should probably tell everyone then. I vampire run downstairs, they all stare at me.

"Guys we need to talk," I state sitting down.

"What is it?" Rydel twirls her hair.

"It's about Melia," I sigh, their heads shot towards me.

"We heard what she told you Ross," Rocky sets his jaw. Oh yeah, we all have super hearing.

"I did some research on it, I guess it's a brain disease, it makes her think that she's horrible, it also said she could develop other diseases like anorexia, and that she could start hearing voices that put her down a lot, she was telling me earlier that she is back actually," I explain.

"Well then we help her through it," shrugs Riker like its nothing, he will never understand human emotions, we've been vampires for far too long.

"It's not that simple Riker, we have to be careful now, we can't be saying hurtful things around her, or be mean," sighs Henry.

"Sounds simple enough," he shrugs back. We all let out an exasperated breath, I can't believe him, she could be in real danger here if we're not careful she can hurt herself. He rolls his eyes and ran away, what an ass, a scream comes out of nowhere.

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