Perfect Family

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*Laura's POV*

I smile sweetly at Noah, my boyfriend, I love the sound of that. Noah, my bf, my everything. I'm pretty sure we're blood mates, except I would have to ask Ellington to be sure of that. Ross has been gone for about a good week, and we've been worried about him. He promised to text us when he got home and none of us have gotten texts. "Laura," Noah shakes me slightly.

"Yeah?," I look over at him and smile.

"Why don't you go to bed, you look tired," he kisses my forehead as I nod yes and walk to my bedroom. Hm, maybe I should text Ross.

Me: Hey hows Amelia

Rossome: I don't know, she shut herself in her room after she and Ryland got in a fight, the only one she'll talk to is Rydel :'(

Me: I'm so sorry, I would help if I could

Rossome: Maybe you can. Come down to the house someone new might make her come out

Me: Ok, let me check with the clan
I get off my phone and go into the living room. Noah is the first to notice my presence, "babe I thought you went to bed?" he looks at me curiously.

"I did, but then I texted Ross, he wants us to come down I guess Amelia is in some sort of depression," I sigh.

"Oh you guys wanna go now?" says Noah standing up.

"Yeah sure," shrugs Calum.

Rani grows small and flies over to us. "Let's go."

A bit later

I knock on the door and Ross answers it. "Hey guys!" he smiles widely. He hugs each of us and we go inside.

"So where is she?," asks Raini.

"Upstairs, please get her to come out," he pleads.

"We'll try," I put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and go upstairs. You can definitely smell her, Amelia I mean, her human scent really overpowers all the others.

Raini knocks on her door, "go away Ross, how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone," she sighs.

"It's not Ross, my name is Raini Rodriguez, I wanna talk to you," Raini says softly.

She opens the door surprised, "u-um, l-look I-I'm sorry if I-I did s-something wrong," she shakes.

"Oh my gosh no, don't worry, were Ross's friends, we just wanna girl talk," I smile.

"Oh, yeah, then come in," she moves aside and we go in her room.


*Amelia's POV*

I can't believe Ross really sent people in here just to get me out. WELL GUESS WHAT ROSS IT'S NOT GONNA WORK. That Laura girl is really pretty and so in Raini. They sit on my floor and I follow. "So why are you just sitting in your room?," asks Raini.

I frown, "because I don't wanna be a bother to Ryland, cause according to him, I took his place in his family," I sigh.

"That's messed up," states Raini.

"Should I go talk to him?" asks Laura.

"NO!," I say automatically.

"Why?" Laura's face scrunches up in confusion.

"Because, I-I just don't wanna cause more problems," I murmur.

"You won't Amelia, if anything your solving them," Laura puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

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