LWSADW: What The...Carrot?!

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I slowly opened my eyes. My sight was a blur, so I blinked a few times to clear it. I sat up in the bed. Uh, how the hell did I end up in a bed? I looked around the room. It was my room at Bobby’s. Okay, this is weird. I noticed some quiet shuffling on the chair next to the bed. I turned around and faced that ‘B’ guy. He was sleeping, his chest raising just a little before going down. If it wasn’t for that I would think he was dead. I sighed deeply, stepping out of the bed on my tip toes, careful not to wake him up. I mean, seriously you really wouldn’t want to wake a guy that almost attacked you in the bathroom the day before and then saved you from a demon, right?

Anyway, I was tip toeing to the door and half way to them I felt cold wind kiss my bare shoulders. I blinked, surprised to find that creep in front of me, staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I gulped.

“Uh, can I just…?”, I tried to speak, but it was coming out more as a squeak. I coughed, and straightened myself. I looked so small comparing to him, I mean my eyes were looking straight at his chest. I looked up. “Will you tell me who the hell you are?”, I asked sternly. He smirked.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, yes I would.”

“Well that’s a shame”, he said, cocking his head to the side, his smirk still plastered across his face. Ugh, I so wanted to rip it off. Calm down, Hayley, man up! I sighed, giving him an annoyed smile. I opened my mouth, ready to blurt out a couple of words I would get a detention in school if I said them. Before I could say anything I was stopped by his amused voice. “It’s Brandon”, he said simply.

“Okay. Now, Brandon”, I said slowly, “will you just tell me what the hell do you want from me?”, I hissed at him. He shrugged.

“Nah, not really”, he said indifferently, sounding bored. I winced. This guy annoyed me. Before I could say anything to answer him, even though I had a big amount of nice words to say to him, I was interrupted by Sam opening the door. I glanced at him, bending to the side so I could see him, ‘cause Brandon was in front of me.

“Oh, you’re awake”, Sam said smiling, walking inside the room. He ruffled my hair carefully, not wanting to do anything that could harm me. He’s so over protective. Shut it Hay, you always wanted an older brother, I hear a voice in my head say. Yeah, I usually have these monologs in my head with myself (don’t judge!). I ran my hand through my hair, shooting daggers with my eyes at Brandon. Why isn’t Sam doing anything? Couldn’t he see him? I mentally slapped myself. Of course he could see him! I sighed.

“Um, thanks for checking on me Brandon”, I said, waving at him, hoping he would take a hint. I definitely have the best luck in the world, ‘cause he smirked at me and looked at Sam with a most innocent face I ever saw. Wow, he was a good actor!

“Yeah, no problem. Um, I was just leaving”, he said, smiling wickedly at me and then nodding at Sam who just glanced at him. He was too busy checking me if I was hurt. Sam nodded back.

“Thanks for checking on her, man. And saving her. It’s good having another hunter by your side when something like this happens. And even better when that hunter has powers like Hayley and me”, Sam said, smiling at Brandon. My jaw dropped. Seriously?! He said he was a hunter? So what? Maybe he is, you don’t know him, a voice in my head spoke again. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, whatever. You know where the doors are”, I said, as sweetly as possible, trying to hide a message in my voice that said ‘get the hell out of here, you freaking creep!’ Brandon smirked, heading towards the door.

“Yep, I’m sure I can figure it out. We’ll be in touch”, he said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, grabbing some Twix from my secret pile. I didn’t care that Sammy was in the room, he preferred Snickers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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