Chapter 3

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Families are like fudge, mostly sweet, with lots of nuts.

Chapter 3

Atheena's POV

"Give me my hoodie back right Now", I shouted at Tia.

"No. Puppy is cold" she snapped.

"Puppy has already got a lot of fur to keep her warm. She doesn't need a hoodie."

I really love my sister and all, but sometimes she did things that made me question her sanity. Like-

At 11 o'clock in the night, She was making puppy wear my favorite hoodie who was trying her best to escape from the clutches of my evil sister.

Yep. She was insane. That could possibly be the only answer to why our cat was named Puppy.

Cameron had always preferred cats as opposed to Tia who adored dogs. He is just weird like that. So when Cam bought home a cat last year, Tia threw a classic soon-to-be-6years-old tantrum. Finally after 3 hours of insane drama, she settled on coming out of her room and asking the cat "Can I call you puppy, kitty?" And of course, she assumed that the kitty meant yes when she wagged her tail.

"You're so heartless. Don't you see puppy is cold?",she pouted but I knew the drama queen too well.

"So why can't you give YOUR clothes to puppy?"

"Huh. Tia's clothes are too pretty to be worn by puppy",she snorted.

I swear I feel like banging my head on the wall every time she refers to herself in second person. Mom says that it’s just a phase,and she'll get over it soon. Just a phase,my ass.

I sighed. I was too tired to deal with Tia anymore.

School had been tiring and boring as always except for Mr.Peterson's class. Summer and I couldn't stop laughing as we recalled the incident of the previous day and we just could not look at our history professor the same way anymore.

And Gray reminded me of our forced date tomorrow. Oh yes, I finally got to know the name of the mysterious hazel eyed boy.

Not bothering to argue with my sweet sister any further, I simply pulled my blanket over my head and drifted into sleep within minutes.


"Dad, cant Tia-"

"No."He said ,already knowing what I was going to ask.

Cam gave me an evil smile which just made me want to punch him in the face.

"This is so not fair", I sulked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"How many times do we have to go over this, Atheena? You know that Tia is afraid of the dark so you have to share your room with her. End of discussion." Mom said getting up from the breakfast table to do the dishes.

“So how’s Kiara doing these days?”, dad asked Cam.

“She’s good. Just busy with her course projects”, replied Cam with the familiar twinkle in his eyes, whenever Kiara’s name is mentioned.

Kiara had been Cam’s girlfriend of 2 years. I really liked her too because she was always fun to be around. Being an Indian, she had the perfect tan and an amazing personality. Plus, she always gave the best advice and I absolutely relished the Indian dishes she brought for me, every time she came to visit.

My cell beeped and it was a text from Shane saying that he was gonna be here in a couple of minutes.

I grabbed my bag and said quick goodbyes.

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