Chapter 1

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When you meet someone for the first time, that's not the whole book. That's just the first page.

Chapter 1

Atheena's POV.

Pushing the door slightly ajar, I looked around to make sure that no one had seen me. A quick scan of the men's room and I was positive that Mr. Peterson was the only one in there besides myself. Tiptoeing towards one of the stands, I ducked myself so that I could stay hidden as well as have a clear view of Mr. Peterson.

I loved the adrenaline rushes I felt while performing such dares.






And here we go ! Mr. Peterson pulled down his trousers and I actually had to place a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing like a retard.

Spongebob boxers! A highschool history professor wearing spongebob boxers, this is hilarious. I hurriedly snapped a picture. Summer was gonna love hearing about this specially since she was the one who had given me the dare. Trust Summer to give the craziest dares ever. So the rumors were true-

"Good going, girlie"

I froze. This was so not good. Whoever had seen me, could report to the principal and heck, I could get into serious trouble for this!

With my eyes still shut, I slowly stood up and turned around, bracing myself for whatever was about to happen. Scared, I cracked an eye open and the first thing I saw was a cell-phone in someone's hand. I quickly looked up and came face to face with beautiful hazel eyes, which seemed to be dancing in amusement.

No freaking way! He just did not take a video of me stalking Mr.Peterson, because I wanted to find out whether the rumors about his boxers were true.

I had seen this guy a few times in the hallways, he was probably a senior. I had never talked to him nor did I know his name.

And I definitely did not know how big of a devil he was.

Before I could attempt to snatch his cell phone and delete the video, I heard a toilet flush, and came to my senses. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him out of the washroom before Mr. Peterson could spot me.

God only knows, I needed no more spectators for my 'oh so daring' act. I let out a small breath of relief, knowing full well that I had one more problem to deal with. A freaking huge problem.

"So was this a one-time thing or do you usually like to visit the men's room!?"he asked, with a big teasing smirk on his face.

"Umm..I can explain..."I needed to think of some excuse. Fast.

He raised an eyebrow, demanding an explanation, And being the extremely sane person I always was, I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind "I just wanted to see how the inside of a boys washroom looks like !"

Yes, that was probably the stupidest lie .Ever.

He looked like he was trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"Great attempt. Now let's go again. What were you doing in there?"

That bastard really seemed to be enjoying this situation.

"That is none of your business, Mister. Just give me that damn phone or delete the video yourself."

"Bossy, aren't we?" He pretended to think for a while and let out an exasperated sigh. "Let's make a deal. I will delete this video if you go out on a date with me this Friday."

Wow! He really did know how to take advantage of a situation.

"In your dreams, stalker."

"Well, look who's talking" .He smirked.

Damn! He got me there.

"Whatever", I said stupidly.

"I'm sure the principal shall be delighted to see this highly entertaining video." And his smirk got wider if that was even possible.

There was surely no way out.

"Fine" I mumbled.

"Louder, princess", he said bringing his ear closer.

"Jerk" I muttered under my breath. "OK! I will go on a date with you."

"Cool. You're Cameron Woods' sister, Atheena right?"

"Yeah. Do you know him?"

"Yep. Been to your house once. So I'll pick you up at 7, Friday."

"Okay, bye" and I fled from there as quick as possible.


I checked my cell phone and as expected I had 5 missed calls and a text that read

Where the hell r u ?????? from Summer.

God, that girl really needed some patience.  

I rushed towards the cafeteria, only 15 minutes of the lunch hour were left.

I spotted my friends at our usual table, and as always Summer and Ryan were fighting. I sighed. Some things never really change, do they?

I bought my lunch and took a seat besides Summer and said quick 'hey's' to everyone at the table. As soon as Summer saw me, she had that look on her face again when she was dying to tell me something.

"Yes Summer?"I asked her knowingly.

"I hate Ryan "she pouted.

"Oh, you guys broke up AGAIN? " I asked taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I had a totally fabulous haircut yesterday and he didn't even notice- WAIT , how do you know?"

Typical of Summer to continue babbling without even listening to what I had to say.

"How do I know? Umm lemme think, when a couple breaks up and patches up almost every week, it really doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened", I snapped.

Blame that stupid guy for my crankiness. Oh wow, I just realized I don't even know his name. This day just keeps getting better.

"Atheena..are you PMSing?"

"Look I am sorry for snapping at you like that. It's just that-" And the bell for lunch hour went off before I could tell Summer about what had happened. "Listen, I'll talk to you later, gotta rush to class."

"Sure, catch up with you later" she said getting up as well.


Author's note:

Hey guys, this is my first attempt at writing a story. I hope you like it!

Please vote, comment and share your views.

I would love to receive any kind of constructive criticism!

Next update: Wednesday/Thursday

Building air castles,


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