Chapter 2

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A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though they know you are slightly cracked.

Chapter 2

Atheena's POV:

After I reached home, I threw my bag on the couch in annoyance and ran up the stairs for a quick shower. I quickly sent a text to Summer-

Mr.Peterson and Spongebob boxers- definitely true. Long story. Come over in a few mins? Tell the other guys as well.

Not waiting for her reply,I hopped into the shower. 20 minutes later, I was already feeling a lot better, and the doorbell rang. Opening the door, my eyes landed on Summer and Ryan's interwined fingers.

Summer grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.

Great. So they are back together.

"Hey guys", I said and stepped aside letting them in. Both of them plopped on the couch.

"Where's Rebecca and Shane?"

"Missing me too much already?!" I turned to see my devil of a best friend.

"Hey Shane" I grinned cheekily when I saw my favorite doughnuts in his hands. Giving him a hug, I took the bag from his hands and took a bite of the delicious doughnut. Just Perfect.

"Thanks for sharing, Atheena" said Ryan sarcastically.

"No problem, Ryan" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

Rebecca walked in through the door and before I could grasp the situation, she snatched the doughnuts and gave me an evil smile. I huffed.

"So where's the picture?" the doughnut-snatcher asked.

I opened the picture and passed around my phone.

"O-M-G" Summer and Shane chorused. And we burst out laughing.

I recalled the situation and my thoughts flickered back to a pair of gorgeous hazel eyes.Oh wait, Correction-

Devilish gorgeous hazel eyes-

"This is hi-freaking-larious", Ryan managed to say between fits of laughter.

"And I have something else to tell you all", I said.

"And that is?" Rebecca asked raising her eyebrow.

I just wanted to get over with this whole 'DATE' thing at once.

"AguyshotavideoofmestalkingMr.petersonandblackmailedmetogooutonadatewithhimthisfriday",the words came out in a rush, barely making any sense.




Ryan, Summer and Shane said at the same time.

"She.Is.Going.On.A.Date.With.The.Guy.Who.Shot.Her.Video.In.The.Men's.Room", Rebecca ,the ever smart one, said slowly- as if explaining it to a child.

"Is he Hot?"this was apparently the first thought that came to Summer's mind. Well, not much of a surprise there.

"None of your business, baby" said Ryan in a sarcastically sweet tone.

"Jealousy speaking ",Rebecca said in a sing song tone.

Ryan simply glared at her. We heard Cameron walk down the stairs.

" 'Sup, guys?",Cameron asked.

"Atheena has a date on Friday", answered Shane amusedly.

"Oh, that means, another guy to be rejected", said Cameron wiping fake tears, while my friends laughed their asses out.

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