OLD VERSION - STILL TO BE EDITED! Chapter 16 - Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Da..

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[A/N: Non-edited and also this is dedicated to xRandomCrazyFunkyMe…they know why ;) ]  

                                                  OLD VERSION - STILL TO BE EDITED!

                                                                  ~Chapter 16~

                                            ~Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Da..Ohh a Cookie~

DaDa Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum, Da Dum Da Dum Da Dummmmmmmmm Da Da Da Dummm…  The theme tune of the Pink Pather swirled around my mind as Chase and I started on our adventure, that to be honest, I wasn’t sure I was fully prepared for.

Sure for most people they would think talking to a woman, who was supposed to be her fill-in mum for the next couple of weeks or possibly months, a doddle. But at this moment in time, I think I would prefer to keep my life as it is. I don’t know if I could possibly handle any more changing’s right now.

That’s why I was currently gnawing at my already scraggly nails down to the nailbeds.

“Do you not like your fingernails, or something?” Chase taunted while he gently snatched my hand away from being tortured and set it to my side.

I just glared at him, which only made him chuckle and all I could come up with at that moment was what came as a natural instinct; I stuck my tongue out at him. That made him laugh harder and longer at my childishness but I wasn’t in the mood for childish games, which was a shock even to me. I just started up another habit that I had started far before I had known I was doing it, nope it wasn’t something normal like twirling hair, biting your lip, cracking your knuckles, no, they were just normal habits and this is me. Random words started to spew from my mouth without my allowance. And when I say random, I meant random.

“Fuggicle sticks, cracking peanuts, jumbo flying monkeys!” I spurted before I could stop myself. I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth as I felt the colour in my checks rise. Chase just stared with bewilderment, his face resembling that of a fish.

Note to self: Learn to control random word spewing habit. And maybe also do the world a favour by finding out Chase’s formula for the I-could-have-ran-threw-a-forest-and-been-attacked-by-a-sheep-and-my-hair-would-still-look-this-good.

So that’s how Rose Matthews found us, bright cheeked, wide-eyed and in my case, trying to hold back uncontrollable word-vomit. And we found her in what seemed to be her favourite room in this vast house, the kitchen, and I don’t mean this in any sexist form, because heck I’m still a girl, but most times I’d found her, she had been here.

“Aww Sky sweetie, I wanted to talk to you.” Rose beamed brightly at me as she removed a batch of freshly baked cookies. The aroma filled the room and I felt my tummy grumble embarrassingly. I couldn’t help but think of what perfect timing I had and that finding out about this text was going to be easier than I thought, but I was mostly thinking about the cookies.

“Really? Whatever could it be about?” I asked in my most innocent tone as I eyed up the warm gooey cookies that lay not a meter away from me. It was taking all my self-restrain to not snatch one right of the tray now and shove it in my mouth quicker than you could say ‘Speedy Gonzales.’

It seems Chase had even less self restrain than I did because he was already reaching towards them but only for his hand to be slapped away by Rose and for her to give him a stern look in a very motherly way. I smiled at the scene.

“Yeah, I do. But first, why don’t you take a seat and maybe if you’re good, you might just get the first cookie.” Rose winked at me and when Chase dashed into the seat, that was seated at the kitchen island, quicker than I have ever seen him move (and I’ve watched the occasional school rugby match), I knew she had her kids wrapped around her finger.

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