//Chapter 19//

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*Estelle's P.O.V*

''Are you still hold any grudges at me?'', I asked Gregg due to the fact that I was completely curious about our yesterday's phone call. He had sounded like he was kinda angry at me after our last date and he had blamed it on Louis.

''Um I really don't know.'', Gregg uttered and his answer made me more confused than ever before. ''It bothered me that you didn't think of calling me the last few days.'', he explained to me.

I really didn't know how to react or how to reply to him. But after a while, I found the right words to say. ''I just thought that you are the one who should have called me after our date and when you didn't, I believed that you didn't have a good time with me. Ι mean that it seemed like you forget about our kiss or even regret that you kissed me.'',I simply said to him. ''But then I finally called you, so I can't figure out your problem.'', I snapped.

''Yes, I suppose you called me when you were in need of a person to talk. When Louis was with you, you forgot that I even exist!'', Gregg yelled. ''I have a bad feeling that Louis is pulling you away from me.'', he added with a sad tone at his voice.

''Louis won't ever do that.'', I snorted. 

''You protect him like you really know him in person, but Estelle,  I promise you that you don't know anything about that fucking asshole. '', he snarled at me. ''Just like I told you yesterday, I still believe that our kiss meant nothing to you and that now you stormed by Louis ''proper'' manners.'', Gregg added.

''Of course our kiss meant something to me!'', I screamed. ''I can't understand why you believe the opposite. But what exactly Louis said to you and make you believe that?'', I gently waiting for him to answer. 

''Well, I have spent some time with him and he said that he met you at the hospital accidentally. He talked about you a lot and then he told me some things that you two talked about. After that, he said that he wants to go in a concert with you and it really confused me a lot, because I want to be the one with whom you will spent most of your time with and not he. Also, he said that I don't deserve you and he threatened me so not to be with you again. It seemed like he wanted to stole me from you like how he did with Marie. Ιn fact, after we exchanged some bad words, we got in a fight. Again.'', Gregg explained me and my body froze.

''I really can't find out why Louis reacted like that. I have never said that I will go with him at the concert, I just said that I want to go to a concert without emphasize with who. He only suggested to me that he will try to find some tickets to give me. What he said to you seem weird to me and I think that his behavior is inexcusable.'', was all I said to Gregg.

''Finally you agree with me.'',he whispered to me. ''Louis still continues to mess up with me and that really gets on my nerves.'', he hissed. ''And there is more to it. The day we went out together, as soon as I left you home, he follow me with his friends and he started a fight with me for no reason.'',Gregg explained to me.

''I really can't believe that Louis is incapable to do that to you. What makes me more nervous is the fact that Louis forbid you to stay away from me and it pisses me off that he involved in our-''

''Our what?'',Gregg cutted me off.

''Um our friendship.'', I mumbled. And then I realized how fool I was by replying like that. But I wasn't sure if Gregg really thinks of me as a friend or as something more.

''I thought we were something more than friends.'', Gregg said to me and he sounded quite disappointed.

''I thought you supposed to call me so as to clarify your feelings after our kiss.'', I teased him.

''Fine you are right. I am sorry that I didn't call you after what happened with Louis.'', he apologized to me and that really made me feel better. ''But Estelle, I want to be more than friends with you'',he said to me and he grabbed my hands.

Out of nowhere, he leaned to kiss me.His cold lips touched mine and he pressed them against mine lips for a long time. I was feeling better now, I was feeling safe while he was hugging me so as to close the distance between us. He took my hand and I could tell that I was feeling nervous just like him. Our kiss was deep and emotional. That was exactly what I wanted this moment. I threw my arms around Gregg's neck and he came closer to me. I think we made the perfect couple.

And while I was kissing him, I felt that my phone was vibrating. ''Who the fuck it is?'', I asked myself and I pulled away from Gregg. I watched immediately at the screen of my phone and I saw that a number was calling me which is not saved as a contact on my phone.

I decided not to pick it up so I lean against Gregg again. I pressed my lips against his for one more time and then my phone started vibrating for second time. 

''Who the hell wants to disturb us from that wonderful moment?'', Gregg asked me while he was furious.

''I don't know, but I have to pick it up.'', I replied to him.

''Who is this?'', I asked when I answered the phone call.

''Hey, it's Louis, the boy from the hospital.'', a familiar voice said and my heart started beating out loud.


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All the love,

Stella xx

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