Chapter 8: Memories

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But sometimes, forgetting is just not enough. A few memories still linger on and about, that causes them to regret things. And that is something we do not wish for, therefore we do our best to make those remaining memories vanish...

"It all started when my parents first got asked to work for the government and it was also around the time that Jane was born." Everyone in the room nodded, Echo had everyone's attention and she was going to cover every detail. Well everything that she remembered. "And of course, at first they didn't like it all. They rejected their invitation, being involved with the government and having a new baby wasn't exactly what they wanted. Though Lyra was already in school and she was doing great, better than everyone else in her class or in her grade." Echo sighed a bit, clearing her throat a bit. "And so, my parents started to notice this and finally agreed that they didn't exactly need Jane. That they had Lyra to carry on after they died. Lyra was only in kindergarden because she was 3." Echo decided to take a seat on the ground, she felt like if she continued to explain and to stand up that she was going to just fall over.

She sat with her legs crossed, "A few months later maybe around 4 months, after getting so many letters from the government and multiple agents going to the house and asking for their assistance. They finally agreed. The government was absolutely grateful for having such people in their investigation." Slender had decided to also sit down, so he was now sitting on the ground right next to the couch. "And you know, there had been many murders going on in our town. Mostly because of you." Echo pointed at Jeff, who only rolled his eyes. Biting her lip a little, her headache was becoming a serious problem for her. Also Sally had now walked over to her and sat down on her lap, so Echo was now playing with her hair. "The government remodeled the house and they put the lab in. It was mostly upstairs, they had problems by having it down in the basement with the family before us.....They were willing to give it a try on having it on the very top floor."

She moved a piece of her hair out of her face, she started to play with the ends on Sally's hair. "They started getting subjects, animals and humans, no matter what kind of species. Either stabled or not, they conducted experiments on them. They injected different kinds of fluids, they dissected, took organs from different life forms, and they usually made people go mad, killed both animals and humans. This all went for three more years until I was finally born...." She trailed off, a couple of memories ran through her mind. Most of them were when she was tied up to a metal table, her parents smirking above her before she lost all consciousness. "That's when everything just went downhill. That's when they locked me up in my room, they never let me go out. Unless it was for a walk around the house, eating, showers, and other things such as that. Of course, Lyra never found out about all of this. She didn't even know that she had two other sisters. Because once we met our parents told her that we were just girls that were given to them by the government and nothing more."

How she hated her parents. They both lied. She could feel tears threatening to pour out, even though she had no eyes. She continued to explain, only the few events that she could remember. She explained how she was told that Jane had died, that she was killed in an alley. Though that was all a lie by what they had just experienced. Her head throbbed in pain, she had locked up all of these memories but she was now forced to undo the lock and let all of the memories flow. She blinked a couple of times before she started to say what had happened after Jane disappeared. What her parents had done to her, how they had gouged out her eyes and how she killed them. A tear of blood slid down her cheek. "They made me become schizoprenic....they were going to send me to an asylum after they were done with me..." She trailed off as another tear trailed down her cheek, everyone had noticed this. Slender had now stood up and walked over to her and Sally was looking up at Echo.

The headache had become so painful that she was crying now, though it was blood. "Are you okay?" Slender asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Echo nodded as she held onto her head tightly. "I don't think to you are, I believe you should go lie down." Slender suggested as he tried to help her up. Echo shook her head and moved Sally away from her, placing her next to her as she curled up on the ground. She whimpered softly in pain. Now, Korry was sitting right in front of her, he was smiling a little. He looked like a ghost though, holding onto her head tighter she let out a cry of pain. She didn't really want to remember, that was all in the past now. "I...d-don't want...." She said softly, gritting her teeth. 'You have to though.' Korry crawled over and sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her. 'It's alright to remember, you need to.' Echo bit her lip hard, more tears spilled from her eyes. "But, Korry....I-I-I don't...w-" She was cut off as she fell over, she passed out from too much pain. Her memories seemed so vivid, as if she was there. As if she was living them once again.

Slender sighed as he picked her up and started to head upstairs. "Jeff, could you keep an eye on her while she's in this stage. I'm not sure when she will wake up." Jeff nodded, "Fine." He said slightly annoyed. Well now he had to babysit Echo, not that he minded (much) but he still had to do it either way. It was Slendy's order in the first place. Slender took Echo to her room and placed her on her bed, she shifted a bit. She was definitely having a nightmare and it didn't seem like she was going to wake up anytime soon. Sighing a bit before walking out and closing the door behind him. He knew that Jane had planned this, she must've known that the would have happened to her and she was probably going to come for her soon enough. "Also, watch out for Jane. She knew this was going to happen so she must've planned this." He explained to Jeff before he walked back downstairs and out the door. He didn't know any of this. Why did Jane want to kill Echo? Was she actually going to kill her? Or was she needed for something else?

I am forced to remember, I don't want to though. I feel like I will get hurt if I do. But Korry says that it's okay, so it must be. I have this feeling that something bad will happen. Will everyone be okay if that happens? I shouldn't remember, everything is in the past now, I'm suppose to remember though. And remember I shall...


Alright, so in reality Jane is not related to Echo. Just wanted to make that clear. But anyway, thanks for reading and I hope that you guys are enjoying reading this story. So vote, comment, and tell your friends to read it! Okay, bye! ^^

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