Chapter 3: New Found Friendship?...

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If they could understand it, they would feel safe within it, it would help them with anything and of course it could be their family. Heh, what a shame that everyone else in this world doesn't notice it. And thus far it has been feared and avoided, it's actually quite sad....

"I'll be better in just a couple moments from now though....." Echo said softly as she trailed off. A huge smile grew on her features, she looked rather fragile for someone of her features. But in reality she was an insane bloodlusted killer, someone who loved the color of blood and seeing the pain of others. She loved the feeling of eyes in her hands. As the smile grew more, she quickly punched the officer in the gut, consuming his eyes with her hands. Her fingers digging into the sides of them and then she quickly ripped them off his skull. Blood gushing out of the two holes that replaced his eyes. She then roundhouse kicked the man and axe kicked his skull as she crushed it under her foot. Laughing insanely she turned her head around, looking at the other scared officer that had just walked out of her house and watched everything she had just done.

Grinning almost like Jeff, she charged at him, the officer quickly ran to their vehicle and quickly grabbed the radio. Yelling out, "B-Back up! We need back up! W-We're in front of a house in the o-outskirts of t-town!....Aaaaahhhhh!!" Letting go of the radio the officer tried to get the stick, that Echo had thrown at him, out of his arm. His uniform getting stained in blood. Echo jumped on top of the car before punching the windshield and breaking it open. Giggling to her self. "The shadows welcome you...." She reached out for the officer's head and quickly gouged his eyes out before crushing smashing his head against the window on his side. Crushing his skull in the process. Examining all four eyes she growled in disgust. Throwing all four of them on the ground she stomped on them and quickly ran into her house. She washed her hands and started getting ready, a few more patrol cars would be getting there soon.

As all of that was going Jeff was still at the park. The cut from his neck had stopped bleeding and his sweater was slightly stained in blood. As he laughed hysterically he rolled around after a couple of moments later he stood up, the laughter stopped and he sighed in relief. "I'll get that bitch next time." He said as he took his knife, put it into his pocket, stood up, and started walking out of the park and into the woods. Walking around the woods he looked around, seeing if Slendy would be anywhere near, but he was also trying to remember where Echo's house was. "Now where was that bitch's house." He said to himself as he was walking behind her house, though he didn't know that. As he was doing so Echo had walked into the room where she kept many jars of eyes, picking out a few of them she headed over to her room where she took out two suitcases and started packing. Placing a few outfits underneath the jars and then a few more outfits on too of the jars so they wouldn't break.

As soon as she was done with both of the suitcases she headed over to the kitchen where she opened the window and placed the suitcases by it. Getting a whole tank of propane she placed it on top of the stove. As she heard two patrol cars pull over to the front of her house, as well as the red and blue lights form the vehicles. She smiled as she threw her suitcases out of the window that was in her kitchen. Jeff had been looking around the woods before he got hit in the head by one of Echo's suitcases. "Ugh, shit." He said as he fell back, making contact with the ground. "What the fuck was that...?" He muttered to himself as he rubbed his head, he hadn't seen anything come at him because of course it was dark outside. The officers had climbed out of the cars and they walked inside. Laughing softly Echo made sure that every single one of me was inside before turning all four of the flames on and up to high.

As she did that she quickly jumped out of the window. Jeff sighed as he rubbed his head before he stood up, dusting himself off before something hit it, it was more like someone fell on him. "Oof." Said Echo as Jeff grunted beneath her. "What the fuck keeps on-!" echo cut him off by placing her hand over his mouth. "Shhh." She said as she placed a finger over her lips. Jeff would have blinked a couple of times if he had eyelids, done just stared blankly at her before he finally recognized who it was. His blank expression changed and he was now grinning widely. He took her hand off his mouth, "Hey, sweetheart." He said, his grin turning into a smirk. "Shut up." She said quietly, before she got off Jeff and hid behind some bushes, she noticed that there was still one officer inside one of the cars. She growled softly. Jeff raised an eyebrow as he sat up and crawled over to her. "What are you doing?" He asked her but she just shushed him again.

She then saw as the officer walked out of the car and stood beside it waiting for everyone else to come out. The eyes she had on, brighten as she noticed that the officer had two different kinds of eyes. Her smile grew and it turned into a wide grin. 'Why are her eyes shining like that?' Jeff asked himself before furrowing his eyebrows. 'Wait! Eyes?!' He thought to himself, he had seen that she had no eyes or well that her eyes were black. But now she had actual eyes, well one was blue and the other was green, but she had eyes. Echo then quickly turned over to Jeff. "I'll be right back." She whispered to him before she quickly disappeared into the shadows. Echo made her way over to the officer, she expected the tank of propane to make the house explode by now. She just had to wait though. She had made her way over to the car and she had climbed into it ever so quietly as she waited. Soon enough the officers inside the house made their way over to the kitchen after being disgusted by the room full of eyeballs. When they got there they found that the propane tank was about to explode. "Everyone get out!!" One of them yelled as they tried to run out of the house as quickly as possible. They didn't make it though, they all exploded along with the house.

The officer who hadn't gone in quickly climbed into the car to grab the radio but was met by a face with dark eyes. "Hello there~" Echo greeted the officer. "W-Who-!" Was the only thing the officer was able to say before Echo pulled out his eyes and smashed his head into the windshield and then smashed it into the side window. She then got out of the car smiling as she put both of the eyes she got into her pocket. Blood rained over as well as small body parts. Jeff stared at Echo. He had never killed these many people in one go and specially not by blowing them up. He stood up as he smiled and held his stomach as he laughed loudly. "I can't believe you blew up your house just to kill those officers!" He said. "Shut up, now I have nowhere to go." Echo explained as she walked over to the bushes and got both of her suitcases. "Really? Well I think I have the perfect place for you." Jeff said as he looked over at her. "Oh, and by the way what's up with your eyes?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Echo laughed softly before she placed her suitcases down, she then reached up to her eyes and took out the pair she had. "These aren't mine." She said as she looked at him with her deep hollow eyes, but he could only see the one with the star in it. "So you have no eyes?" Echo shook her head. "What about the star and I think the....moon?" Jeff asked as he looked closely at her hollow eyes. Echo would have rolled her eyes if she had any at the moment and then pushed Jeff away from her. "They were branded deep inside my skull by my parents." She simply explained before placing her eyes into her sweater pocket where her other eyes were. "And now about that place, where is it and it better not be with you." She said looking at him and narrowing her eyelids. "Hahahaha ha, don't worry. Plus you don't need to know." He said as he started walking. "So now, just follow me." Jeff said as Echo just sighed out softly and followed him. "Who are you anyway?" She asked as she walked next to him now.

Jeff looked at her like she was crazy. "What are you talking about, I'm Jeff The Killer. How don't you know who I am?" He asked acting as if he was hurt by her words. "Well excuse me I'm not the kind of person that knows other killers around these places." She explained and Jeff nodded. "So what's yours?" Asked Jeff. "It's Ser- I mean it's Echo. Or as people call me The Gouging Shadow or Echo The Gouger. Either one works." She said simply. "Heh, cool." Said Jeff before he put his finger inside her star signed eye. "What are you doing??" She asked as she looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "Just wanted to make sure that you had no eyes." He said smiling widely before chuckling a bit. "Uh-huh. Sure whatever you say, buddy." She said before pushing his hand away. Jeff then stopped in his tracks, Echo walked a couple of steps in front of him before looking back at him. "What?" "This way." He said before pulling her by her arm. She then found herself in front of a portal..."What is this?" She asked looking at the weird looking portal thing before looking at Jeff. "The way to your new home." Laughing softly Jeff grabbed her arm again and they went through the portal. 'You've made a new friend. That's good...' Echo heard someone say.

Someone new has joined me in these shadows. The thing I like the most is that they are just like me. It's a great thing. No longer alone....I have a friend now.....I just hope that they won't betray me like everyone else before.....but I'm not sure about that yet....and all I can do now is to wait and see what happens....

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