Chapter 4: New Life = New Beginning = New Friends and Family

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But there is nothing that can be done. They have made their choice already and there is no going back now. After all it is their lives, not ours. We have nothing to do with them. Therefore they can't see what's good about us all. Heh, as well as they have no salvation anymore....

'You've made a new friend. That's good...' Echo heard someone say. Once she had stepped out of the portal along with Jeff she shook her head. "What, no! That's not true at all!" She argued with the certain person. "Who the fuck are you talking to?" Jeff questioned, his voice raspy and a bit deep, as he gave her this weird look. "Huh? Oh, one?" She said slightly out of place for once, Jeff just shrugged and started to walk towards the huge mansion that stood in front of them all. 'I have to admit, you picked a good one.' Said that one person as he winked. Echo growled and glared at him. "Will you shut up!" She whisper shouted at of course, none other than Korry. 'Why? I see what you're doing. You don't want to tell me at all.' He said smirking. Echo just groaned out in annoyance, Jeff looked at her once again, only this time he had this weird look on his face. "I know you're insane, but I didn't think that you actually talked to yourself." Jeff said before he laughed a bit. "Oh, you shut your face hole!" She said, she would have rolled her eyes if she would have had any.

Jeff, himself actually did roll his eyes at her as he continued to walk. Echo followed after him, soon they both walked up the stairs and walked into the house, closing the door behind them Jeff yelled out. "I'm home!!" Soon enough little footsteps were heard, it was as if someone was running. "Jeff!!!" They both heard as a little girl, she had a pink not gown and she had blood all of her face as well as on the nightgown. ran towards Jeff and jumped into his arms. "Hey Sally." He said as he held her in his arms. 'Wow, he has a child. Shocker!' Korry said as he laughed. Echo growled at him before looking over at Jeff. Sally smiled before she looked over at Echo. Blinking a bit she looked back at Jeff. "Who is that Jeff?" Sally question as she pointed at the black haired girl. "That's Echo." Jeff answered, Sally thought for a moment before she grinned. "Oh! So you're Echo!" She said as she jumped out of Jeff's arms and walked over to the eyeless girl. Jeff looked at Sally confused. "Wait, you know who she is?" Jeff questioned and Sally nodded in response. "Yeah, haven't you heard the news or looked in random newspapers?" She asked as she looked back at Echo.

Jeff shook his head. "Never." He simply said. 'Oh, apparently his daughter knows about you but not him.' Korry teased her. Yes Jeff knew about her but only because he started to stalk her about two to three days ago. "Well I'm glad that at least someone knows who I am." Echo said as she picked up the small girl. "And you're so adorable." She added on as he hugged Sally tightly. Sally giggled as she looked at the pale girl, "And I like you more, because you haven't tried to kill me, unlike some other people." Echo said as she looked ver at Jeff, who just looked blankly at her. "Well sorry, I thought you were a normal girl and you were interesting so you were going to be my next victim." He said as he crossed his arms. Sally just laughed. "So are you anything related to Jeff?" Echo asked trying to make sure that she wasn't. Sally shook her head and then nodded. "Well yes and no. We're pretty much one insane, killing, messed up family around here." She explained as Echo nodded.

Thinking for a few moments Echo looked down at Sally and raised an eyebrow. "So there's more?" She asked, "Of course, that's why this is a mansion." Interrupted Jeff as he grabbed Echo's arm and pulled her into the living room where she saw a boy, that looked like Link, he had the same clothes as Link and the pointy ears. But his eyes had something like blood or something black coming running down his face and he had two bead like eyes.. She giggled a bit as she noticed him playing The Legend of Zelda. "Hey! Mini-Link!" She teased as she put Sally down and ran over to him. "I didn't know you guys had a fucking mini-Link!" She yelled out amazed. 'Wow, someone's personality really changed after all of these years.' Korry said as he sat down on the couch. The Link-like boy turned around and glared at Echo. Jeff just laughed along with Sally. "My name's BEN not Link." Said the guy who was now known as BEN. "Someone has a temper~" She chimed as she laughed and sat down on the couch next to Korry. Jeff took a seat next to her and Sally sat on her lap. BEN then took a good look at her and smirked. "So what's your name babe?" He asked, 'Hm, he seems interesting.' Commented Korry. For someone who looked like Link he sure had bi-polar disorder.

Echo would have rolled her eyes. "The name's Echo or Gouge." She said as she started to play with Sally's hair. "Hot." Was the only thing BEN said before he returned to his game. 'Creepy little boy.' Thought Echo as she started to braid Sally's hair. "So yeah, he's BEN." Said Jeff before he looked around. "So where's Slendy?" Jeff questioned, "He's out hunting." Replied Sally. "Hm, nice." Echo said before she leaned back after she was done French-braiding Sally's hair. 'Someone's really changed over the past 2 years.' Said Korry, Echo just growled at him before she looked at BEN playing his game. Soon enough she got bored and stood up, placing Sally in her spot, she sat down next to BEN. "Let me play." She said as she took BEN's controller and started to play. BEN just rolled his eyes as he let her. She was actually quite good, even though she had never really gotten to play. Soon enough she beat the level with a perfect score. She grinned as she handed BEN his controller back. She had just been here for a few minutes and she had made new friends. All she had to do now was to not mess up any of this. She leaned back until she was on her back. She smiled and waved at Jeff. "Hi." She said as she giggled a bit. "Hey." Jeff said, fuck she couldn't get over his voice. It was just so beautiful, to her that is. She hadn't noticed that she had been staring at Jeff. Until he said, "Hello? Is someone enjoying their view? You know, you should take a picture, it will last longer." He said as she scoffed. "Suuuuurree." She said sarcastically. Jeff just rolled his eyes, Sally giggled softly to herself as she watched both of them.

Echo sat up and looked at the screen as she watched BEN play. Soon enough two other guys walked into the room, both of them had masks on. One had a white mask with two black rings around the eyes and the lips were also colored black. The other had a hoodie that covered his head and he had a mask, completely black, a frown for the lips and you could see two red beads for his eyes. They looked really cool. "Hey everyone." Said the guy with the white mask, his voice was rather soft. They walked over and sat down beside BEN. They both looked over to the side and saw Echo, she waved and smiled. "Hey, there~" She said as they both just blinked and looked over at Jeff. "So uh...who's that?" The one with the hoodie asked. "Oh, that's Echo or Gouge." He said. "Nice to meet you I'm Masky." The one with the soft voice said, "And I'm Hoodie." The hoodie guy said. "Nice to meet ya guys." She said as she was then poked by Korry, who of course no one saw except for her. 'Oohhhh! A house full of guys~ Someone's going to have some fun~' Korry teased, Echo ignored him and shooed him away. "You guys are aweshum people." Echo said as she grinned.

Just then Sally pounced on her and landed on her lap. They both laughed a bit before Echo poked Sally's cheek. She really liked this. It was amazing. They were all just like her. People with the same problems. Yeah they had different reasons to kill but they were similar in a way. They were all outcasts of the real world, which of course none of them belong to. This was the perfect place for her. This way she won't feel out of place. She liked her new life. She just hoped that no one would ask how in the world she came to be like this. She also hoped that her past wouldn't catch up to her, but eventually it would. And now it would definitely catch up to her. She was closer to it than ever before. "Hey, Echo what are you thinking about?" Asked Sally as she looked up at her. She was brought back to reality as she looked down at Sally and shook her head. "Oh it's nothing. Don't worry about." She said as she smiled and undid her braid, so her hair was the way it was before. She then hugged Sally, Sally hugged back as well. "Well someone seems to be getting along just fine." Commented Jeff as he grinned and laughed softly. "Whatever." Echo said before she puffed out her cheeks before she giggled to herself. New life meant new beginning meant new friends and family which meant somewhere where she could finally fit in.

So far so good. Nothing has happened. No one has asked. And I hope no one will ever do that. Everyone seems so nice, I hope they will stay like this forever. A place where I fit in, seems about right. We are the same, we are now family. One big crazy, insane, dramatic, psychotic, idiotic(at times), fun, special, killing family....


Hey there guys! So I've seen that some people have already read this story and I really appreciate it. I mean at least I know that someone out there likes reading this story or is reading it. And I would appreciate it if you would comment, vote, or anything else. I would like to know that at least someone likes this story. Well that's all I have to say so ill see you guys later.

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