1) Deal with the devlish boy

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A/n:And i give u the first chapter ^w^
Carla's p.o.v
My uncle ranted about our new guest for the night while I doodle in my diary. A certain Ciel Phantomhive, don't see why he is so special he just makes toys. I own like half of them. I fixed my heart shaped eye-patch that was covering my damaged left eye. I cringed thinking about my lost parents in that tragic accident.
My uncle was sending me with mr. Phantomhive to be a lady. I scowled. I knew how to be a lady so why was I being sent to learn all over again. I really don't wish to go. All my suitcases were all packed up though. I was forced to wear this ugly pink fancy dress and these stupid annoying lace white gloves. I so help me wanted to rip them off and throw them god knows where.
"You must be Lady Baker." A boyish voice came from infront of me and I looked up from the ground. He was about my age,had blueish black hair and a black eye patch on his right eye. My cheeks became slightly the same color as my pink hair.
"I prefer to just be called Carla, you must be lord Phantomhive. He gave me a slight nod. "Call me Ciel." He gave off a childish smirk as if he was playing a game. I gave off a smile as my purple eyes twinkled. I might as well play along with the charade too. I try to give a curtsy, but the clashing beyond the parlor door interrupts me.
I couldn't contain my curiosity as I lifted my ear to the door and listend carefully. My uncle was scolding Vanessa. There were more shouts and a loud thud. As my hand grasped the door handle to open the door I was stopped by the sudden appearance of a butler clad in black. Shortly a few minutes later Vanessa opend the door severely ticked off but it was hidden well.
I so despartly wanted to ask but kept in mind of my place when my uncle walked in. I did send him a slight glare from my one purple eye. He was slightly under the influence. He was an act of good. Suddenly it made me happy to be gone he would be rude right after guest left.
As soon as we got to the dining hall my face lit up with joy. Soo much food was set out. As we sat down I practically indulged myself into the greatness of food. After all I don't always get fed well.
Diner time soon ended and I missed the taste of it. I wanted dessert but uncle didn't like sweets. A slight pout filtered my face. There was a conversation going on but I payed no attention. Oh what I would do for some chochlate cake.
Vanessa briskly walked over and placed the sweet smell of cake. My eyes widened. "Your new friend butler suggested I make it regardless because his master wished it." She whispered delicately in my ear. I stiffled a giggle and I began to interrogate the soft heavenly cake. My uncle had a darkness surrounded by him. "Vanessa....." he gave out a warning and she went back to her place.
Ciel began to speak,"I will take upon your request and take Lady Carla with me for how ever long I will need her." "Good, good she needs a little discipline." I silently scoffed. "Then she is no problem for you to handle right Sebastian?" "None at all my lord." "Then it's settled we leave with her tonight."
"May I be excused to pack?" My uncle gave a lazy nod and I set to my room Nessa following close behind.
I sat on my bed holding my stuffed bunny that was from the Funtom company. Now that i think of it, it looks abit like ciel all grumpy yet cute. I blusged slightly and shook my head ridding the thought instantly. She packed all of the stuffed animals that I got from ciels company. It would be slightly embarrassing if he saw how many I owned.
I glance in the mirror and touch the heart shaped eyepatch over my left eye. I was almost daring to lift it to see the damage. My door opened and I quickly removed my hand. "Its time to leave my lady." "Yes ofcourse lets go vanessa." With that we sent off to my new temporary home. The Phantomhive Manor.
A/n i know its not that long lol but it works chapters may get longer its late due to the face that my parent didn't take me home till 10 -m- who likes going mindless places with their parents when the phone is dead. The answer is moi. I will update hopefully next monday laters guys

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