Jeff The Hugger

525 15 8

Happypasta Jeff The Hugger
Jeff the Hugger got hugged so much that his eyes turned rainbow colored and he tried hugging everyone to make them happy. He also wears an orange hoodie and blue jeans and has 15 years of age. His IQ is 146.

He usually takea the wrong medications which explains his giant, cute smile on his face everyday. He sings lullabies to comfort scared amd frightened children.

Whenever he gives his brother, Jeff the Killer, a hug he tried to stab him with his really big knife, but with the help of Splendorman and FrownCat he uses the power of love to stay alive. Then he buys his brother a new knife for curting vegetables on Easter, his birthday, Christmas, and 4th of July because his others have blood and rust on them. He also buys him birds, but he stops him from killing the birds.

Go to sleep tonight, or don't... But here's a message from Jeff the Hugger himself.


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