25: Leather and Chrome

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      I was just about to leave the vault, when I open the door to find Drayko standing in the doorway. He rubbed his four-fingered hand against his opposite arm awkwardly. I remembered faintly when I was first brought to the Citadel, how strange everything was. Although, nothing but horror and suffering awaited me when I arrived, which is the opposite of Drayko's situation. I gave him a friendly smile, stepping through the door to meet him. He shifted uncomfortably on the spot, eyes looking everywhere but me. It was as if he was afraid the Mayor would leap from the shadows and pin him to the floor. My hand placed itself at his shoulder, my eyes softening with sympathy.

     "You're safe here. No need to be paranoid." I told him gently.

     Drayko didn't say anything, but nodded once nevertheless.

     I flashed him a bright grin, "I've got an idea, how about we get you some new clothes?"

     He looked down at his tattered jeans, filthy shirt, and mixed matched boots with bewilderment. It was like he was seeming himself for the first time. I laughed a little, taking his hand in mine and leading him down the halls. I took him down to the caverns, weaving my way around war boys like streams of fish. Drayko was absolutely terrified, his dark eyes wide and his head low. Every time a war boy looked him straight on, he flinched away from them with a pained look. How long would it be before his fear ebbs away?

     I tried to recall where I was told this 'supply closet' was. I knew this is where hand-me-down clothes were taken and dumped. Surly I would be able to find something for him.

     We turned the corner to what also led to the fighting pits, and I found it. A little room that was no more that four feet wide. Piled high inside was a number of random trinkets and clothes. All of them were the standard black war boy cargo pants. I got down on my knees and began to shift through the objects absently. Slowly, Drayko joined me. Most of the pants were either pup size or nearly big enough to fit Rictus when he was still alive. I did, though, manage to scrap together two boots that looked to match. Too Drayko's delight, they fit perfectly.

     After nearly twenty minutes of looking, Drayko sat back on his heels with a sigh. "It's okay, Capable, I don't really need new clothes." he reassured me, obviously more loosened up than before.

    I shrugged, "Worth a try, I suppose."

    Especially excited footsteps thundered down the halls, skidding to a halt where we were both sitting. I saw her form out of the corner of my eye, and instantly recognized her.

     "Furiosa's callin' for us, we're gonna train the Leatherback troops!" Feral panted, her single eye shining with glee. It was the same happiness that painted the war boys' faces every time they got the chance to drive.

     "Okay," I said with a tip of my head, "Are we riding with you?"

     Feral nodded, "Yeah, comon'!" she said, beaming, and gestured for me to follow her.


     "You what?"

     "Yep! I gave her back to Furiosa." Feral said proudly. She leaned down close to me, as she was a couple inches taller than me, and whispered to me from behind her hand, "She was just giddy about it." she snickered.

    I cast a glance to the war rig Jr., where Furiosa now sat in the passenger side proudly. I turned back to Feral, "So she gave you the Gigahorse?" I asked with astonishment.

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