Chapter Eighteen

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Harlow's first thought is-

Turned me into what? Her eyes itch, (she doesn't want to blink for fear of missing something) her fingers are cramping because of her hands clenching and un-clenching so frequently.

The girl behind Harlow- Leyla, and the girl across from Harlow- Laney, are staring each-other down.

Not the playful kinda she's used to- but the I'm-gonna-fuckin'-kill-you-with-my-eyes.

But it was still something more, a rushing adrenaline holy-crap-I'm-excited-to-see-who-wins excited, and it's alive. Alive, it's bounding through her veins with a new-found fury, one that matches her brain's ability to even catch up to what's going on.

Leyla's vision is just as unwavering as Laney's, equally matched in strength- and dominance is both exuberating out of their bones. It's like a battles between both inhumanly independant women, for two very different things.

Laney's eyes are tired, not the usual sleep deprived- more of an- exhausted because of life, tired.

Leyla is brain tired, her mind is whirring with so many different things and emotions that it's obvious how mentally tired Leyla is. How her eyes shift, how there's a sunken-ness to her face.

They're both at equally weak and strong points, the question is who can wield them better.

"Leyla." There it is, the beginning underlying tone of success. Laney speaks her name in such a forceful timber that there's no room for argument.

But Leyla is fighting, her eyes are blazing, her mouth is wrenching angrily, obvious she was not happy with Laney's tone of finalement.


It's not a warning anymore, in fact, the force of it rocks Harlow to her toes, and tugs Leyla two small steps forward.

The hands of white attached to Leyla are fisting themselves, ready to pull at hair in frustration.

She feels it, the dominance Laney is exacerbating, Laney has been trained and solidified by and around an Alpha.

Leyla's only connection is her blood, there are no ties but to her brother.

But the dominance is there, angry, fighting within her arteries, scraping against her bones.

Damn it, it's there.

But was it enough?

To over-power the pure ruling might rushing within Laney.

Harlow feels the rush.

It's swirling, pushing, pulling, wrenching within her body.

Grasping at something within her own mind, her own body that wants to be let out, so bad.

Even now, she can feel it, clawing at her mental state, screaming to be released from it's binds, to be let out alive, take control.

But she's scared, Harlow's scared of the ability running wild in her roots.

But another part- a deeper part, finds an unimaginable thrill in it.

The pure adrenaline screeching to flood within her body, she's holding it back.

Too far.

Too damn far.

Laney's breathing heavy now, her eyes are flickering between black and green, air is forcing itself out of her nose and mouth as fast as it can, irises are contracting, large, and then small again.

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