Chapter Six

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Louden didn't want to suppress his inner voice, but he couldn't help it.

There was an ache, it sat on his chest, suffocated his heart.

Chocking out his every thought with a tight band, and waiting, just waiting, for him to give in.

He couldn't give in.

She's human, he kept reminding the stubborn part of his brain over and over again.

She doesn't feel the bond like you do.

She's going to move on with a nice human boy, and they'll get married, and have normal children.


A staggering growl slipped from his lips before he could hold it in, each eye squeezing shut from exhaustion. Every thought was about her.

Every waking moment, was about a blonde, blue eyed, pale girl, that he had- on more than one occasion, compared to cigarettes.

It's wrong. His conscious believed that his thoughts were wrong- and they were. He shouldn't have feelings for anyone, let alone a human.

But every fiber in his being longed for something untouchable.

Something above his head, so high it'd be nearly impossible to reach

He felt like a cat.

Suddenly a rumbled knock sounded through his office, and office well acquainted with piles of paper work, half of it scratched with his loopy signature.

The other half, files filled with every member of his pack. Every name, every age, every wrong and good doing- was filed away into a messy over flowing grey cabinent.

"Come in."

In stepped Beta Judson.

Judson was a shorter man, with a strong build, but soft jaw.

He had what women called a baby face, a face that refused to get older, and constantly sweet.

Unfortunately that was a trap, Judson was a hardened man, with tough morels, and an unbreakable heart.

"Alpha," Judson gave a nod of respect towards Louden.

Giving a nod back, it was giving the same respect toward Judson, from Louden.

"The pack wanted to know why you have had such a long leave of absence."

A thousand memories filled up his brain, all of a certain girl- screaming for him to leave- to. 


Shaking his head to shoo away the unwanted thoughts, he stood from the uncomfortable, squeaky office chair, and made his way to the door.

Right arm raised, gesturing for Judson to follow him out of the office,

"well come on Beta, wouldn't want to keep them w-waiting."

The crowd starring back at Louden could only be described as sad.

1,345 somber, drab faces stared back at him, lips tugged down in a frown, greyed out faded clothing on each body.

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