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November 7th, 2017

Justin's POV

"You have been asked to host the EMAs," my manager, Scooter said nonchalantly.

I looked at him as if he were crazy. He knew I hated award shows and he damn sure knew that hosting one would be the last thing that I would do in my career. "No," I said flatly as I repositioned myself in the rolling chair I had been sitting in for the past thirty or so minutes.

Scooter called me to come into the office to talk about putting together another album and a whole bunch of other shit. I just got done touring for my Purpose album. Don't get me wrong, I really had fun and all but I was beyond tired and worn out.


"I said what I said. I just want to relax, is that too much to ask for?"

"Look, I understand that you just got done traveling and performing, but you know what being an artist means. There is always going to be something that you have to do."

"Well maybe I don't want there to be something," I sighed loudly.

"What are you saying?"

That was a good question, what was I saying? "I-I don't know," I shrugged my shoulders while toying with the strings of my joggers. "I'm just-I'm tired, Scooter. I've been so exhausted every single day since the last show."

"You want another break?" his eyebrows rose high. "To do what, get in trouble again?"

That got me heated. I didn't get in trouble on purpose those few years ago. I just really had a hard time with who I was at the time and the constant spotlight. I knew he had to understand that it would get to be too much for me since I literally got thrown into the industry and have been nonstop working for years.

"I'm not going to get in trouble," I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest. "I just need some time alone for a while before I lose myself again. You know how hard it was to get back after being down for so long."

"Justin," he sighed while leaning back in his chair across from me. "You know you're under a contract."

"Fuck it," I threw my hands up out of frustration. "I can't keep going, I just can't."

"You're going to lose a lot of opportunities, which means less money-"

"I don't give a fuck about any of that. I mean, yeah it is nice to get a check for doing hard work. Who doesn't want that?" I chuckled. "But the thing is that I'm a part of this because music is who I am, it runs through my veins, it's my passion. I just want people to hear and feel what I'm going through, understand my life in a way. You know?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah."

"I love performing for my fans and seeing them smile, but I am so relieved to be done with touring," I ran my fingers through my hair before pulling my hood over my head.

"So...what exactly are you saying?"

"I'm starting to feel like all of this is more of an obligation."

He cocked his head to the side, "That's really how you feel?"

"Yeah, like you're supposed to enjoy what you do and it shouldn't feel like work. I'm feeling like it's work," I stressed. "I don't want to dread having to get out of bed because I have to do a performance or not wanting to leave my hotel because of another interview."

"So you want to be done with everything?"

"It's not like I'm going to stop making music because that's just not a thing," a light chuckle left my lips.

"But you want to take another long break..."


"If that's what you really want," he sat up and clasped his hands on the glass table.

"It is, I just-I want to be normal," I shrugged my shoulders because that was something that probably would never happen.

He chuckled, "There is no normal for you, son."

"Maybe not, but I'm gonna try."


Anddddddd that was the start of my short story!!!

As you can tell from the title, it's going to be a Christmas edition because why not lololol I'm feeling in the Christmas spirit.

Also take note of the date in the beginning! I'm kinda going according to the actual time that Justin should be done with touring. Therefore, this is all set in the future. The first chapter will be a year later & written in present tense. The chapters are going to be short, but I'll be updating almost every single day until the actual new year😅

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(no goals but please come thru so I know if you guys are feeling it lol)

Love y'all💖

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