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I ran home as fast as I could. My house was on the other side of the lake but I didn't care. Rejection kind of feels like somebody is stabbing you in the back. You don't have eyes on the back your head so it's not like you see it coming...

I felt like crying when I saw those words, those nasty words.

One side of me felt like he didn't deserve me, but the other side of me felt like I didn't deserve him.

I finally got home about 30 minutes later and I ran to my room. I was still home alone, so I texted my old best friends for advice. They said they knew it wasn't going to last.

the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc.

He didn't necessarily reject me, but he rejected to be with me.

My friends oovooed me and suggested to go out that night and I think I played off that I was fine well. Once I hung up with him I wiped my tears and got dressed.

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