Journey to the Centre of Time

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The Doctor:

"You said-"

Clara interrupted me, folding her arms as Sarah just watched. "I know what I said. I was the one who said it."

This was getting ridiculous between the pair of them, the TARDIS and Clara really didn't get on. "You said it was looking at you funny."

"I was tired, overwrought." She snapped back, and I could see that she was still a little tired. "I didn't mean it. It's an appliance. It does a job."

Sarah shook her head, finally getting involved in the argument. "It's a pretty cool appliance. We're not talking cheese grater here."

"You're not getting me to talk to your ship." The girl shouted, pointing at the console. "That's properly bonkers. Even more bonkers than Sarah being in your body and vice versa for 2 months!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Sarah muttered, stroking the console.

She folded her arms. "You're like one of those guys who can't be friends with someone unless his wife approves. And Sarah isn't your wife."

I sighed, shaking my head. "It's important to us you get along. We could leave you two alone together."

"Now you're creeping me out. Unless you want to sneak off for more sex." That was a possibility. It was very fun and nice.

"Take the wheel. Not the wheel." This was getting hard. "I'll make it easy. Shut it down to basic mode for you."

Clara took offence to that. "Basic? Because I'm a girl?"

Sarah waved a little. "No. I'm a girl, and I learnt on easy as well. It's fun." She leant over and turned a key labelled Smiths for the difficulty setting.

Clara relented, and we went to show her how to fly, but very much in Donna style, the minute she touched a control, something went wrong, which in this case, meant all the lights went out, the power draining. "What have I done?"

"Er, okay."

"Doctor? Sarah?"

Sarah checked the monitor, running her finger along it as she tried to work it. "All the electrical impulses are jammed. I can't get the shields back up. She's completely vulnerable."

"I swear I just touched it." Clara, not everyone had the right touch for the TARDIS.

I pushed up a breaker lever and there was a big bang, everything going still. "Magnetic hobble-field. We're flying right into it. Snowdrop, Clara, stay by me."

Sarah got close to me, and I wrapped my arms around her. "Please tell me there's a button you can press to fix this." Our human friend begged.

"Oh, yes. Big friendly button." Sarah nodded, and I kissed her head.

"You're lying." We agreed.  "To stop me freaking out?"

"Is it working?"

She shook her head. "Not so much." Something rolled along the floor and Clara picked it up, she dropped it right again, it apparently being hot, but then something banged, and everything went black.


I was on some strange space station thing, and they were all trying to get into the TARDIS. Not likely. How did I even get thrown out though? "It's rude to whisper. Hi. I'm the Doctor. And you are?" I looked at the names on the jumpsuits. "Er, Van Baalen and Van Baalen. Van Baalen and Van Baalen. That's going to get confusing later."

"We found you drifting."

What looked to be his older brother nodded a little. "Yeah, your ship was junked up pretty bad."

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