One Last Good Dream

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"Sera..." I looked around as I was running through the fields of the Academy, seeing Theta running behind me, his sandy blonde hair gorgeous and blue eyes twinkling as he got closer, running up and hugging me. "Seraphina, I love you. I have loved you all my life and I want to love you for the rest of it." He told me, cupping my face lightly.

But this never happened, I'd wanted it to happen so many times, but he went with the arranged marriage his father set up when it came to light that Arianna was really not interested in men, in the slightest. "I'm dreaming, my Angel. I wish this was real but it isn't. So... I think I need to wake up."

"Oh, my Seraphina, why would you ever want to do that?" He smirked, then slowly because my Doctor, the 11th face of his. "Just because it's a dream, doesn't mean I'm not really here, my dear. You know me, I'm always in this poor tormented mind of yours."

That made me laugh and I ran forward, wrapping my legs around his waist in a hug, crashing my lips onto his. "Asa... I love you. Is this to make up for missing Equidore?"

"No, this is just because I wanted you to be near me without being scared. In your head you are perfectly who you want to be." The Doctor smiled, just holding me too him and then spinning me around. "You're everything to me and I wanted to just give you this. Give you a special day for our anniversary, even if we did miss Equidore."

Oh, he was amazing... He was the person who I was going to grow old with, use up all of my regenerations and be able to eventually have a party. "And you're everything to me, my Doctor. You're perfect, so, so perfect. I love you with everything, Asa, Legacy, Doctor..." I laughed, cupping his face and tracing my fingers down his cheeks.

"Well, my Seraphina, I think that we should make the most of being here." He smiled, looking around at the scenery. Gallifrey, the planet we lost, and loved so, so much. We ran away so often, trying to stop living our lives, hiding from his wife, my brother and my job. But then it was gone in a hearts beat.

Our home planet, far away and long since gone but it lived on in us and Melody, meaning that hopefully when the time came for her and Jack, that maybe before the Library... She managed to have children of her own. They would only be half Time Lord, half Immortal, but then we could at least keep the race sort of going. It was better than nothing, than us dying out because of our own war.

"What do you have in mind?" I giggled. "Pun intended, seeing that we're currently in my dreams. A dream that has a very sexy, handsome man in it."

That made him shake his head at me, his hands still warm on my back. I knew this was a dream, but it felt so real, every line on his face, every strand of his gorgeous, thick brown hair, every pigment in his jade green eyes, shining in the red sun and reflecting me in them. If this was a dream, then I didn't ever want to leave. "What is it with you at the moment? You're either pretty much on your period, which isn't a sexist remark, you are just incredibly violent on your period, or you're incredibly horny. No, seeing as we're here, why don't we go to our favourite places?"

In response, I closed my eyes, and we appeared in the observatory, both 9 years old. "This is the first time we ever sneaked in here, because you had to be a 10th year to be allowed. I loved it so much, because you and Koschei could see the stars too, so for the first time you could see what I could."

"That was the time I fell in love with the Universe. Because you told me what was out there, but until this night I had never been able to see it." Asa smiled back at me, and he took my hand, twirling me. "Even your brother came with us, and he fell in love with the Scarlet System."

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