Daughter or Murder?

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Getting dragged back to talk to Churchill, again, when every night he reacted the same way to what I told him. "Leave us." His Silurian Doctor left, and I was left huddling in chains on the floor. "Tick tock goes the clock, as the old song says. But they don't, do they? The clocks never tick. Something has happened to time. That's what you say. What you never stop saying. All of history is happening at once. But what does that mean? What happened? Explain to me in terms that I can understand what happened to time."

That made me smirk a little, and I remembered my wife, the woman who should be my wife, but was probably dead now that everything was here at once, her poor mind couldn't cope. "A teenage girl."


"Imagine you were dying. Imagine you were afraid and a long way from home and in terrible pain. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, you looked up and saw the face of the devil himself. Hello, Dalek." I smiled, looking at the foul creature as it started to die, and I knew what it was thinking.

"Emergency. Emergency. Weapon system disabled. Emergency."

Then I opened up the top, already frustrated with the weedy and dead voice of the Dalek as I worked. "Hush, now. I need some information from your data core. Everything the Daleks know about the Silence. And I need it before my wife gets out of the shower."

Getting what I needed, I headed to Calisto B, one of Jack's favourite haunts, but at least now he wasn't here right now. He was married to my poor Melody, ad everything that was going to happen... I didn't want to find out he knew how I died. "Gideon Vandaleur. Get him. Now." I told the bar keep, who glared at me.

"Who says he's here?" I just dropped the Daleks eye stalk on the counter, meaning he knew I meant business. In this sector, a Dalek eye was worth big money, and even bigger respect.

A short while later, I was sat at a table reading Knitting for Girls when a cloaked figure sits down with me. "Father Gideon Vandaleur, former envoy of the Silence. My condolences." I smirked, already knowing that it wasn't him.

"Your what?"

Leaning forwards, I lowered my voice a little, so no one else would hear. "Gideon Vandaleur has been dead for six months." Then I sonicked the figure, wearing the same type of eye patch as the woman I was going to make sure died with me, Madam Kovarian who took away our daughter in the first place, and the robot went rigid. "Can I speak to the Captain, please?" I asked the small figure in the eye, who nodded and ran.

"Hello again, the Teselecta time-travelling shape-changing robot powered by miniaturised people. Never get bored of that. Long time since Berlin. Though I honestly preferred you as my wife." I smirked.

I could tell the captain was annoyed at me then. "Doctor, what have you done to our systems?"

"They'll be fine if you behave. Now, this unit can disguise itself as anyone in the universe, so if you're posing as Vandaleur, you're investigating the Silence. Tell me about them." I requested, and they also knew that they would tell me. With Seraphina being high up, I was high up through marriage.

"Tell you what?"

"One thing." I smiled slyly. "Just one. Their weakest link."

Oh, this was an easy weak link. One of the easiest I had ever seen, and they challenged me at chess? That was the only thing I could beat Seraphina at, when she didn't cheat and get a vision. But... She didn't have visions of me any longer. It was too painful to know that she could see my death. And I didn't want her to try and stop it.

A game of chess in progress, and and my oponents Queen is sizzling with voltage. Like I said, this was easy. "The crowd are getting restless. They know the Queen is your only legal move, except you've already moved it twelve times, which means there are now over four million volts running through it. That's why they call it Live Chess. Even with the gauntlet you'll never make it to Bishop Four alive."

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant