Really Confusing...

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"Doctor, pass me the wrench please, you did this bolt up too tight and now the bracket can't move. May help a smoother flight." Grumbling to himself, he passed it to me. "Doctor, why are you muttering to yourself so much? Ever since we picked the Mini-Ponds up from their honeymoon."

He turned to look at me, and I saw that his gorgeous green eyes were conflicted. Which was never a good sign. "Do you want to try again?"


I knew that I wanted to. I wanted nothing more than to have a family with this man and to just be together until the end of time. But... when it came to that sort of thing we were cursed. First Jenny, and then baby Rory... I didn't think that I could put myself through losing another baby, though I knew I had one. We had River. And I knew that I would call my first daughter Melody, so she must not be the eldest.

"I really, really want us to be a family." I whispered, running my hands through my long brown hair. "To raise children, to just... Stop, for a while. I, just..."

The Doctor reached over and took both of my hands, kissing them softly and running his thumbs over our first two children's names. "I won't let that happen again, my Seraphina. No stillborn from alien influence, no genetic anomaly being shot by an insane dictator. I promise you, that when you are ready, I will protect our family with everything I have."

"I know you would. God, you protect me with everything you have no, imagine if we put a little baby in that. I don't think that you would ever put her down, the Universes most spoilt baby." I giggled, then bit my lip softly, looking at him. I was far too scared for this. I didn't have to be, I had this, this amazing, funny, brilliant man who would never let anything happen to me.

I kissed him, hard and desperate as I could, shifting forwards to move onto his lap as I tangled my fingers in his hair and his hands found my waist pulling me closer and skimming the bottom of my dress as he slowly hitched it up. "I love you. God, I love you so, so much." He muttered, kissing down my neck and biting softly on my pulse.

"I love you too. With everything I have. I want us to be a family, I real, proper family." I told him back, starting to unbutton his shirt, leaving on his bow tie. Well, they were cool.


I was in a great mood. Well, you normally are after, well, hm. I had the boys working away under the console, while I was under the main column, whistling in time with the Doctor below me. And then Amy came in. "Hey big sis."

"Hey little sis." I smiled back, still buzzing from earlier. And then she pulled me out from underneath.

"Listen. Can we talk?"

It was so not my turn, she could talk to her husband. "Rory!" I shouted, then went back under, though she just pulled me out again.

"Stop. Shut up. I've just got a question, that's all."

His voice came from below us while the Doctor kept working. "You okay up there?"

"Yeah, fine, no problem, my Lovely."

Though that seemed to just confuse her and she looked down at him and my Doctor, still working. "What are you doing?"

"Helping the Doctor and Sera. It's humming. Is that okay?" He asked me, and I nodded down through the glass flooring.

"Yeah, it's fine. We're just entering conceptual space." I explained, and then the Doctor confused him.

"Imagine a banana, or anything curved. Actually, don't. It's not curved or like a banana. Forget the banana!"

Arcadia's Love (Book TWO)Where stories live. Discover now