Chapter 7: Power Up

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A/N: Hey! So I feel super loved 'cus more people have read this than I expected. So thanks. Also, I wanted to get it out there that I'm working on another book simaltaneously, so if the updates take a little longer then usual, you'll know why. Third, after this Castiel story (he's my favorite of the Supernatural (hot) boy trio) I think I'm gonna write a love story for Sam and Dean too. But neither of those will start until I'm done (or almost done) with this one. I haven't decided which of those to write first so please tell me-I'm mega conflicted! Whichever Winchester gets the most votes will be the story I write first.


Dean's POV:

I feel horrible about what I said to Kristy, and she hasn't given me a chance to apologize. The problem is that I meant it at the time. But seeing the way she is now, more confident and calmer than before, compared to the cautious way she approached everything before discovering her powers, I don't know what to think anymore. Unlike Sam, who was acting like a druggy. But at least Sam has agreed to quit and we're speaking again.

I'm trying to figure out a good way to go about telling Kristy all this as we step into our motel room. We're investigating a potential witch who killed a guy with razors down his throat. Jeez, I'm never eating candy again. Then again, it doesn't happen that often right?

Kris freezes just inside the door, which makes Sam and I bump into her.

"Kris, what is it?" Sam asks.

"Cas and....another angel."

The last part comes out as more of a question and she ventures further into the room to investigate. Sure enough, Cas is standing in the middle of our room with some other guy at the window, I get my game face on.

Kristy's POV:

"You wanna do what now?!" I ask pissed off.

The basic idea is that the Halloween baddy, Samhain, is going to be raised by this witch....and it's one of the 66 seals that this other demon chick, Lilith, needs to raise Lucifer-more on that later. And the angel's big idea to stop this is to destory the entire town. Thats not going to happen.


"Let me stop you right there, Cas," I say, my eyes narrowed, "no."

His true voice whispers through me head. My eyes flick to the other angel, because I know that's why he's being so quiet about it.

"Just stay out of this...please."

I force my face not to betray the way his words affect me. The please definitely did it. I've never heard him say it before.

"Damn right, no," Dean agrees, stepping in front of me.

 That definitely snaps me out of it. I need to keep my head in the game or I'll miss something.

I let out a slow breath, fighting my own conviction. Cas has done nothing but help me. The least I can do is listen to him when he tells me to back off. Right?

"Dean, you have to understand-"

Dean argues with Cas and the other angel, Uriel, a bit more. I stop listenting. Too many emotions get involved in arguements, and Dean's emotions are so...strong that they almost make up for the lack of emotion the angel's feel. I only perk up when Uriel mentions dragging me out of the room. Well, I can't let that go unanswered, can I?

"If you touch me, I will rip your wings off and shove them so far up your ass that you're burping feathers for a week. And I know I can do it too, because I can lift trucks now. I'm sure wings aren't that hard to rip off with psychic powers."

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