Chapter 4: ...Bastard...

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(A/N: Heyyyyyy! So I got my first comment-from someone other than my friend from school-and I really appreciate it. It's because of the aformentioned comment that I wrote this chapter. In addition, my friend thinks I'm taking too long with Cas and Kris's relationship. Do you think so? I would like to know so that I can adjust. Also, I'm really sorry, but I might get some episodes wrong or out of order in the coming chapters, so please don't kill me. Any suggestions would be SUPER helpful. I love to read comments. Thanks so much to 'dcopeland'.)

Kristy's POV:

Jace. Jace is back. That's impossible, I burned his body. So what does this mean? It means I'm screwed.

My observation is proven correct when he grabs my throat with inhuman strength. He presses me back against the counter. The horrible part is, I'm too shocked (and a little happy) at seeing him to respond at first. He looks exactly the same as he did before he died: pale gray-blue eyes, scruffy sandy blond hair, tan skin, square jaw, the 'x' shaped scar on the right side of his chin.

"How...?" I wheeze past his tight grip.

"How am I here? That's not your main problem right now, is it? That's just like you, always so ADD. Maybe if you were more focused, I would have survived."

I feel a stab of pain in my heart-and it isn't even because of him. It pretty much is my fault that Jace died-but not because I was ADD. I flinch despite myself.

"But then, that's what's great about this. You can't hurt me, but I can certainly hurt you."

The back of his hand connects painfully with the side of my face. My head whips to the side and red stars dance before my vision.

"Jace try to understand..."

"Understand?!" he screams.

"Kristy?!" dad yells from the other side of the room.


All the doors in the kitchen slam shut. I hadn't noticed that the temperature had dropped thanks to the fridge and my hot muscles from running. But now I'm shivering. I never have liked  the cold.

"Understand what, Kristena?" Jace continues as if nothing had interrupted our intense confrontation.

"Understand that it's your fault I was cloned by a damn Shapeshifter? Understand that you took too long to find the sewers because you had to have a touchy-feely moment with your idiotic brothers? Or that you chose your brother-who was already free-over me?"

"I didn't know that the shifter was back. I couldn't have known."

He flung me across the room and I felt a metal pot land on my head painfully hard like something out of a cartoon. I moan in pain and put my hand over the spot. Owwwwwww!

"You should have known. What happened to 'I'm a professional'? Anyway, it doesn't matter now. What matters now is that you get what you deserve, you stupid bitch!"

He grabs my arm and throws me again. This time, I hit the table and the entire thing topples over. Vaguely, I think that this is kind of...right. I should die in the same place I've called home ever since I was born.

After my first hunt, I came home and sat at the table, drinking and celebrating with my father. The first time I couldn't save one of the humans, I sat at that table and drank until my father and Dean came in, took the bottle from my hands, and carried me to bed between the two of them. I remember, when Sam went to college, I sat down at the table and seriously considered following him. I never did.

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