The incident

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Robbie couldn't sleep, he was worried about Alyssa. He twisted and turned, his stomach churned. He had a guilty conscience, why did I have to go ahead and bring up painful memories?, he thought to himself.

He picked up a piece of blue frosted cake and started to eat it. "Sportadork better protect her, or else!" He mumbled. "Why did there have to be another?", Number Nine was irreplaceable to them!. This was one reason why Robbie couldn't stand Sportacus. No one could ever take the place of his old yellow friend, so why did this blue elf try so hard?. Robbie remembered what Number Nine had said to him "be sure to always protect her" . "I guess I'm going to have to do my own way," Robbie ran his fingers through his table to find his phone, he dialed numbers on his phone. "Is this the villain's catalog?, I'd like to place an order."

As Alyssa woke up, she saw that Sportacus' head had budded with hers, the first thing she saw were Sportacus' blue Icelandic eyes staring attentively into hers. "Ahhhh!" She screamed as she almost fell off the bed, she would've fallen if it weren't for Sportacus. "Sorry!, I didn't think that I'd scare you". "No, it's my fault!"  She said while adjusting her hair. She remembered some parts of last night, but not entirely to explain why she and Sportacus were in the same bed. "Sportacus.... What happened last night?." He became flushed at such a question. "You had a nightmare and asked me to stay with you." He said reluctantly.

Alyssa nearly fainted out of embarrassment. What was a grown woman asking her male companion to cradle her to sleep like a small child?. "Geez Sportacus, you shouldn't listen to me next time!" She said trying to hide her face. She quickly arose from bed, when she did this she felt a pang of pain on the back of her head. "Whoa take it easy, you hit your head pretty hard when you fell off the bed". " I'm not even going to ask how" she said while touching the red bump.

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