New Encounters

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"Ziggy, pass me the ball!" Stephanie shouted. "Alright here it comes" Ziggy then tries to pass the soccer ball to Stephanie. "Ziggy, don't kick too high or else you'll knock t-" but it was too late Ziggy had already kicked too far and high, this caused the tree branch to move and make the birds nest fall off. It wasn't until Sportacus hear the beeping on his chest, "Someone's in trouble!" He flipped his way over, and had caught the birds nest just in time. "Whoof!, that was a close call, Sportacus!" Ziggy said while wiping a sweat off his brow.

"You kids should be more careful next time!" Sportacus said while getting ready to leave until he heard someone singing , it was a young woman who he hadn't see around before. Her voice was lovely he couldn't resist the urge to draw near her. Her song was sad yet beautiful. A soft tear slowly left her eyes, she quickly brushed it away.

Alyssa noticed a pale blue figure, "who's there?" Her fiery green eyes had met has Icelandic blue eyes, they both seemed to be silenced for a brief moment, as they stared into one another's eyes. Sportacus found himself lost in her eyes, there seemed to be a hidden passion that her long lashes just couldn't conceal. "I hope I haven't startled you." Sportacus said rather sheepishly. "No it's fine I'm just not used to people hearing me sing, how awful was I?." She blushed out of embarrassment. "Awful?, you were amazing!". "Thanks, my name is Alyssa" "nice to meet you Alyssa, I'm Sportacus!". Sportacus realized that they weren't alone, a certain pink haired girl was listening in on their conversation.

Realizing she had been spotted Stephanie ran towards them

"Are you new to Lazytown?" Said the pink girl with a beaming expression. "Yes I am, my name is Alyssa". She said while brushing her bang behind her ear. And it's pleasure to meet you, I'm Stephanie!" " I heard you sing, you sing quite lovely" Alyssa was baffled, did she really sing beautifully? She always thought she was tone deaf. Please let me introduce my friends!". Stephanie turned around and called out, "Guys come over here!.". " I would like to introduce Alyssa, she's new in town!."

"Those were some nice kids" she said while turning her head to the moonlit sky. "Yeah, they're great kids" he said with a wide smile. "You really care about them, don't you Sportacus?" She said. "I think it's great they have someone who really cares about them in their lives" Sportacus' eyes were gentle and compassionate, his eyes just seemed familiar. "Is everything okay?" He said peering at her. " Y-yes it's just that you looked like someone who I held very dear". Sportacus blushed, "you never told me why, you had come into town". "I'm visiting a relative of mine" she said while going up the steps to the bill board. Sportacus was stunned, didn't Robbie Rotten live here? what was she doing with Robbie Rotten? "Thanks again Sportacus, for walking me home, my Brother will have a fit!". "Brother?!" Sportacus said with his mouth wide open. "Yeah, Robbie Rotten is my troublesome Brother".

She noticed how Sportacus seemed to know something about her brother, something she didn't know. "So what does my brother around here?" She asked the shocked blue hero. "He's the villain around here, didn't he tell you?", "no he didn't, but I'm not surprised, as children we both had rough childhoods" Alyssa said looking shamefully down at her feet. Would he now hate her, just because of her brother? She thought to herself. She looked up as the blue hero placed his hand on her small shoulder, "just because you're a Rotten, doesn't mean you actually are".

She smiled at his kind words, "thank you Sportacus, Good night" she said as she turned towards tube, "Good night" Sportacus said as he grabbed her hand and gently kiss it. Blushing she slid down into the tube.

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